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Fighting Inflatable Balthazar = full heal

Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:21 pm

I just went and punted him and afterwards my pet got healed for full.
I realize that this is just like fighting Punchbag Bob (only WAY easier! :evil: ) but what do you guys think TNT will do with it in the future?

I believe they will disable him for the duration of the war - otherwise - free healing anytime you need it!

In the meantime, he's better than the Healing Springs unless your pet is sick! Do you think he will be removed someday regardless of wars? Because even for 1-Player BD he's kind of like a cheat.

Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:06 pm

They always disable the 1 Player opponents during wars, so no free healing for anyone, lol.

Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:59 am

schnozbrry wrote:They always disable the 1 Player opponents during wars, so no free healing for anyone, lol.

Well... technically they don't (see also: Ghost Lupe avatar during last war), but if you do 1 Player opponents besides the war opponents, you're probably likely to get frozen, especially if you use them to heal. So yeah, I noticed that too with the IB, but I only use it if I'm desperate anyways, so. I'd think they'd disable healing with IB eventually.

Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:25 pm

Is it just me or does battling him not count towards your bd win-lose count and score and stuff o.O

Sat Nov 27, 2004 1:25 am

Is there a list anywhere of the numbers of each opponent? I want to fight the Brain Tree specifically but is there a site?

Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:53 am

intentions14 wrote:Is there a list anywhere of the numbers of each opponent? I want to fight the Brain Tree specifically but is there a site?

I don't know of a site, but if you go here.. ... ores.phtml

And check the prperties of the character's image the number in the URL in the link is the number you choose to fight it.

Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:11 am

Thanx for that. Now I just have to wait to be cured by the faerie, damn snow beasts
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