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Skarl gives Bonus?

Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:38 pm

Drat! It looks like your joke had no effect on the Grumpy Old King.

King Skarl Says: Well, thanks for trying...
I'll give you 600 Neopoints for the effort (including a x10 bonus since I'm feeling nice today).

You should try again tomorrow.

Since when has he given out a bonus? Or is this old and I'm just now seeing it?

If this is in the wrong place please move/lock

Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:39 pm

Oh no, you see Skarl really is a slot machine, you must've gotten the 3 crowns xD

But, seriously, I have never seen him do that before.

Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:21 pm

WOW!! That's really lucky 8)

Just be sure not to spend it all in one place :)

Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:32 pm

lol I went on a shopping spree at the HT ;)

This is the first time since they released Skral that I have ever seen a bonus of any kind from him.

*kicks ground* I was just hopeing he would hate my joke so I could get at least one of his avatars, but I'm not complaining about a bonus from him. :D
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