For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:21 am
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Here is the old thread:
Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:56 am
Hey i doubt this is anything, but in regards to the little blue grundo... in the Neopedia Times they talk about a little blue grundo who created some lupe bot thing, which hopes to say sorry to after the robot abandons the grundo.... umm.. possibly play around with that? ... 3&week=167 --> NT Times story
"The small blue Grundo shot backwards ten feet before slamming hard into the opposite steel wall and slumping silently to the ground."
"Then maybe he'll unite with his creator yet again … to say sorry."
Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:15 pm
quetaypie wrote:Hey i doubt this is anything, but in regards to the little blue grundo... in the Neopedia Times they talk about a little blue grundo who created some lupe bot thing, which hopes to say sorry to after the robot abandons the grundo.... umm.. possibly play around with that? ... 3&week=167 --> NT Times story
"The small blue Grundo shot backwards ten feet before slamming hard into the opposite steel wall and slumping silently to the ground."
"Then maybe he'll unite with his creator yet again … to say sorry."
Hrm. Since it's a user submitted story, I don't think TNT would use it for something like this which was probably planned weeks in advance.
Also, it's called the
Neopian Times.
Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:25 pm
heh, yeh sorry I slept on it and it makes no sense at all
never mind, erase what i said
Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:59 pm
It was a good suggestion though! It's important to look at
everything like the Neopian Times and the Neopedia, that's the only way you find hidden clues.
Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:01 pm
totally agree there I made that mistake with the last puzzle and it cost me I wont make it again also the galleries can sometimes provide nice hints and clues and insights
Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:07 pm
This might be nothing, but you never know. I got it from someone at another message board.
you know one of the people writes for the neopian times under a pysononym or something, well that word means something look it up on google or something. i went on a quest to search the neopian times and found some one named plushieowner. that person is a 64x champ at neopian times. And guess what?!? read what is says on theyre lookup:
Want to know a little about me? I love writing, collecting plushies and figurines, making Neopets sculptures out of mash potato, messing around with html, playing with my two cats, reading, TCG playing and plotting plans for world domination. I'm crazy in a good kind of way
Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:51 pm
Crimsonmon wrote:This might be nothing, but you never know. I got it from someone at another message board.
you know one of the people writes for the neopian times under a pysononym or something, well that word means something look it up on google or something. i went on a quest to search the neopian times and found some one named plushieowner. that person is a 64x champ at neopian times. And guess what?!? read what is says on theyre lookup:
Want to know a little about me? I love writing, collecting plushies and figurines, making Neopets sculptures out of mash potato, messing around with html, playing with my two cats, reading, TCG playing and plotting plans for world domination. I'm crazy in a good kind of way
I doubt plushieowner has anything to do with this plot. If I remember correctly (and if I'm wrong someone please correct me), they are just a normal user. I would think Neopets would need permission from plushieowner or anyone else for that matter if they were going to use them in a plot.
Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:34 pm
Yeah I have spoken to plushieowner before just a normal neopets user but its good to look in these different areas keep trying
Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:33 am
I have a very specific memory of a Neopedia article about Malkus Vile. I remember a Skeith in an office chair behind a desk, and I remember very clearly there being something of a calendar behind him (at the time I was very determined to find the answer to a mystery picture, and I was sure that the calendar in the picture was the answer.) I know for a fact this was right after Jelly Processing Plant had opened because the answer was actually part of the Jelly Processing Plant Page thing. It's #108, by the way.
Anyway, does anyone else remember the article that I'm talking about, or am I just a rambling fool?
Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:38 am
Maybe you guys should look at the TCG cards. Maybe they'll help?
Tue Nov 23, 2004 2:50 pm
I remember that article. It came out forever ago. But, I dont remeber that picture your talking about. I'ma try and find it.
Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:38 pm
yeah, the TCG cards really predict the HATIC plot really well.
Now we just have to figure out how much we're supposed to depend on those TCG character descriptions and traits for the dinner plot...
Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:48 am
Lookie at what i stumbled upon...
PurroW the Aisha thief wasn't tHe most inconspicuous person in Neopia Central that night, he was wearinG a bright woolen hat. purrow approached the Doorway, he knew that he would be able to pass even though he wasn't yet a membEr of the Thieves Guild.
Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:08 am
I tried doing a search with the letters: "PWAHNCGDETG" (the capital letters in the message), but I didn't come up with anything. There is an Aisha named PurroW... but it's not-plot related. I also didn't see anything big on Purrow's card.
However, even if this doesn't turn up to be a clue-- it just might be a BIG thing for the actual war. One never knows.
Either way, GREAT FIND!
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