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Petpetpet question

Mon Nov 22, 2004 6:04 am

Ok, I've had a Zytch (well, two, one was stolen by the Pant Devil) since June, and have been trying to attach it to a pet ever since. Are there any requirements for it to attach that I'm missing? The pet I want it on is my active pet and it has a petpet of course... maybe name of pet/petpet length etc? Change language maybe? Try a different browser?
Also, I've heard that leaving something heavy on the f5 key and leaving to watch TV works, and I've tried this for a collective ...jeeze, I don't know how many hours. Probably more than a day total. Would it look suspicious to TNT if I left it on the f5 key overnight/while at school? I dunno, it just seems like something that might stand out to them, if I lose my account I have no idea what I'd do...
Thanks for any input! ^^

Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:48 am

I don't think I'd do that - just put something on the F5 key and go to bed or school. That probably would end up with you being frozen for ... something.

I've heard that you should have other items in your inventory, along with the petpetpet. And it can take forever to one to attach. I've never heard anything about a number of letters between petpet and petpetpet the way there is between pet and petpet.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:22 am

Wow, that's crazy. It took about 2 straight hours for my Yurble's taweret to accept its moach, and I thought THAT was forever!

Like everconfused said, I don't believe there's a name requirement or anything of the sort, you just might be having a rough go of it. You might try filling out a bug report and see if TNT says anything about it. Otherwise, just keep at it! Hopefully it'll work eventually.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:26 am

It'll happen, you just have to keep trying. My petpetpets all attached under a half hour, but I have heard of someone people taking many hours of straight refreshing.

I wouldn't put something on your F5. I'd do it manually. There's no sense taking a risk like that just over a petpetpet.

Also, I haven't heard anything about name lengths. Just keep trying. :) Maybe if you've been trying recently, it's not working for the same reason the Random Events aren't working. You might want to wait until they are fixed before trying again.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:58 pm

Add a lot of cheap items to you Inventory so the Pant Devil will be distracted by them and leave your petpetpet unstolen. :D

Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:03 pm

a friend of mine used an auto refresher for an hr and it attached I used my own two hands and it took an hour its just as annoying with the drackonack and cheese idea it takes forever dont give up
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