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Sponsor game madness

Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:21 pm

I noticed today that there are at least two new sponsor games that weren't there yesterday, not to mention the 5 or so new ones this week. I'm not complaining, since I play the sponsor games because they're easy money and usually not too tough on my slow computer, but wow! Is this because of holiday movie releases, or toy shopping, or does this happen at random times throughout the year? I've never noticed so many going up all at the same time before.

Re: Sponsor game madness

Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:52 am

avvelenare wrote:I noticed today that there are at least two new sponsor games that weren't there yesterday, not to mention the 5 or so new ones this week. I'm not complaining, since I play the sponsor games because they're easy money and usually not too tough on my slow computer, but wow! Is this because of holiday movie releases, or toy shopping, or does this happen at random times throughout the year? I've never noticed so many going up all at the same time before.

It's all about $$ Neopets needs it. It is free after all ;)

Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:30 am

I love sponsor games. I can make at least 10k from them and they are so easy.

Sun Nov 21, 2004 6:35 pm

I love sponsor games too, but I cant find any! Have they moved them from the games room? The only sponsor things I can find in the games room is glophone and tamagotchi.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:20 am

xjox wrote:I love sponsor games too, but I cant find any! Have they moved them from the games room? The only sponsor things I can find in the games room is glophone and tamagotchi.

They might only be accessible for people who live in certain areas.

I've noticed a lot more recently as well. It seems like in the past couple days 5 or 6 new ones have been added.
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