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Nov. 19 News

Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:05 am

19th November

Where did Masila go when she left Galem? What has Kanrik been doing all this time? Find out in the Latest Installment of our Hannah and the Ice Caves story.

As if there wasn't enough reason to visit the Deserted Fairground, now you can try your hand at a Coconut Shy!

If you check Ebay, you may see this exclusive T-shirt and Plushie Set for sale. The t-shirt and a limited edition Red Scorchio plushie (in a snazzy velvet bag) will only be available from the 15th November to the 15th December.

This week's Neohome Spotlight award has been given to Kyra242, proud owner of 36624 Market Square, Neopia Central.

There is a new game based on Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events called Are you Wicked?

We have made a few changes to our world page and added a new Coming Soon page so you can see everything that is planned in the very near future.

Masila has been added to the Gallery of Evil. You will be hearing more from her in the very near future...

The first clue for the Guildmasters' Dinner has just been announced.

It appears some Neopets are having a Sand Ball fight in this weekend's Caption Contest?!!?

Now you can practice in the comfort of your own home with your personal Inflatable Balthazar!

There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Ticket Booth. 698 people guessed the correct answer, winning 2,866 NP each.

You can now visit the same medic that Hannah did in the Lost Desert. This kind Cybunny will be selling all kinds of medical supplies and unguents as well as a steady supply of warm blankets for those cold desert nights.

Congratulations Monstour the Korbat! You have just won the latest Pet Spotlight award.

The 167th issue of the Neopian Times is now out. As next week is rather short because of Thanksgiving, there will not be a new issue next week. To make up for it, the week after will be a special double-sized issue.

This adorable Baby Gelert Plushie will go on sale at Limited Too next Saturday. This is a special event piece, so hurry before they all go!

The Ghost and Glowing Techos have been revamped.

There is now a Purple Ruki (complete with orange spots)

As always, a new Beauty Contest is about to begin, be sure you cast your votes!

Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:13 am

Coconut Shy RULES, Littl demented Quiggle..gotta love his laugh lol

oooo, The Coconut Weapons look Evil, I like ^^
Last edited by Arnold on Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:15 am

The Coming Soon link has lots of cool looking stuff. I'm excited about Dice-a-roo II :)

Re: Nov. 19 News

Sat Nov 20, 2004 8:27 am

19th November

If you check Ebay, you may see this exclusive T-shirt and Plushie Set for sale. The t-shirt and a limited edition Red Scorchio plushie (in a snazzy velvet bag) will only be available from the 15th November to the 15th December.

ebay. mm-hmm.

Sat Nov 20, 2004 8:39 am

Now let's not start that again. Adam has told us several times that discussing Ebay is not against Neopets Rules. It's only illegal to mention selling your pets, points, items, or accounts through Ebay. He also said that any Monitors found warning or freezing people merely for saying Ebay will be dealt with.

Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:20 am

Yes, I noticed the ebay... and it's even got a link to it! *Gasps*

What I liked was the "complete with orange spots" jab. :P Well, at the very least they've SEEN a petition. Or heard us whine about it. :P

Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:51 am

So is Coconut Shy a random game like TYS? I hit the coconuts like 4 times and they didn't fall. I did get 50 np, however I spent 100 np a try. :P

Is the Scorchio in the bag the same as the first plushies they put out? I have all four of those and this one looks just like it. I wonder if it's leftovers from back then.

That little Gelert plushie is too cute. <3 I have to go to Limited Too, soon. I've forgotten to get the last couple plushies.

I also liked the Editorial. The answers are getting better, a lot more decent information given out. Good job. :)

Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:57 am

I hate that little guy... but I love the "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" at the top. ^-^

Yes, I like the editorial too. It's giving out information!!! :o

Sat Nov 20, 2004 12:32 pm

I like the Coconut Shy, even that I didn't win anything. I wonder if those coconuts seen in the news can be used as weapons? Seems like it. I wonder if you can only win neopoints and coconuts from it...

Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:20 pm

They said why the random contest hadn't been finished either. I bet they did get a lot of entries for that one... I wonder what the most made items were?

Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:34 pm

for the coconut game, i found that if you line up your hand with the post that holds the coconut stand before you throw, you have a better chance of hitting the coconut

Sat Nov 20, 2004 2:31 pm

I won a coconut, the arn't wepons but collectable coins o_O Go figure

Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:09 pm

Erin wrote:The Coming Soon link has lots of cool looking stuff. I'm excited about Dice-a-roo II :)

I can't wait for Dice-a-Roo II!! Great improvements Neopets! I also really love the Coconut Shy Game. I was able to play last night from a secret link posted last night on the forums. :)

Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:17 pm

the_mongoose2020 wrote:
Erin wrote:The Coming Soon link has lots of cool looking stuff. I'm excited about Dice-a-roo II :)

I can't wait for Dice-a-Roo II!! Great improvements Neopets! I also really love the Coconut Shy Game. I was able to play last night from a secret link posted last night on the forums. :)

You guys know that this means they're gonna get rid of Dice-a-roo, right???


Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:22 pm

vivian58 wrote:
the_mongoose2020 wrote:
Erin wrote:The Coming Soon link has lots of cool looking stuff. I'm excited about Dice-a-roo II :)

I can't wait for Dice-a-Roo II!! Great improvements Neopets! I also really love the Coconut Shy Game. I was able to play last night from a secret link posted last night on the forums. :)

You guys know that this means they're gonna get rid of Dice-a-roo, right???


And I can't even play dice-a-roo, so I'll never be able to get the av. :(
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