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Question about Training

Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:41 pm

Hi everyone, I have been training my pet at the Training school in an effort to beat Meuka, ( we cannot beat him )

Here are the current stats,

Lvl : 23
Str : 23
Def : 17
Mov : 15
Hp : 61 / 51

I had been concentrating on training up the HP since that seems to be what we need to stay alive ( correct me if Im wrong)

Anyway today I wanted to start on Defence but I have just got this message

ERROR : No statistic can go above twice your pets level (23 * 2 = 46). Your highest statistic is currently Hit Points at 51. Please increase the level of your pet first

My defence is only 17 so how can this apply?

any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:32 pm

Okay you seem to have a couple of things to say

First Hit Points are not the only important stat. You need strength to do damage - it's very important. And Defense keeps you from takin damage. It's important or not depending on your styel of battling. If you use shields it's good. Personaly i like it.

So yes, you are going to need to train those too.

As for your training problem. You can only train stats to twice your lvl before you have to raise your lvl. So if ANY statisitc, in your case HP, is more than twice your lvl you can't train ANYTHING until you raise levl. That means you'll have to raise your lvl to 26 before you can train.

You probably didn't notice this before because HP is a little specal. You can train it to 3x your lvl before you have to stop, however once you've trained your hp to more than twice your lvl you cannot train any other stats untill you've raised your lvl.

Personaly if you're having trouble i'd raise your lvl and hit the next strength and defense boosts. Then try meuka again.

My suggestion

Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:56 pm

Thankyou for such a great explanation.. thats all perfectly clear now. :)

one more question though... What are the Defence and Strength boosts you are referring too? Do they come at a certain level?

Thanks again,,


Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:10 pm

Info on Strength Boost can be found here:

Your pet will hit the next one once its strength gets to 35. Your next Defence Boost will be when your pets defence hits 20.
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