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Trading Post Problems????

Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:07 am

No, please not more lost items and NP :cry:

Trading post appears to be down, When I go to click on newest 20 It splits my screen in half and nothing comes up..

When I go to click on "Offers you have made" the whole thing comes up empty...

Main shop map is also blank, with red X of doom in the corner.

This really is becoming a nightmare.... and still no email from them regarding my missing items, NP, and no news about it either,

Is anyone else having probs with the Trading Post?


Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:13 am

I'm not finding problems with the TP, but if you try to buy from an owner's shop you will lose your NPs and not get the item.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:57 am

Yea. My item is STILL in my inventory, there is just no way to cancel the offer. I am waiting patiently for it to be fixed.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:08 am

The TP has been completely uneventful for me - it worked when I gave Adam a little something today.

Hmm...I still don't like the fact that, two days after Neopets 5th Year Celebration, they end up with a rollback. By now it shouldn't surprise me at all...

Hope all those with TP problems get them resolved.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:20 am

Me neither, TP, everything works the same. Ho-hum.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:25 am

everythings working for me, the trading post and the shops...

Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:37 am

I'm getting a blank "Offers You Have Made" and I have many items up in bids. I wonder what's going on now?

Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:37 am

On the surface, it looks like it's functioning. I tried putting some junk item up, then clicking the link. I got the split screen you talked about, same with the newest 20. I think I might call it a night when it comes to shopping and wait patiently for news about what's going on. :roflol: news about what's going on. Man, i kill me with that humor. ;)

Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:38 pm

It isn't working at all for me. Nothing comes up in the Newest 20 and nothing comes up when searching for a specific item.
All I get is this:
I find it odd that it works for some but not others.

I can't see the items I have previously bid on other peoples trades. (Thank goodness they are still in my inventory.)
I can see a junk item I just put up for trade when I go to the main page.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:40 pm

calvinorion wrote:It isn't working at all for me. Nothing comes up in the Newest 20 and nothing comes up when searching for a specific item.
All I get is this:
I find it odd that it works for some but not others.

I can't see the items I have previously bid on other peoples trades. (Thank goodness they are still in my inventory.)
I can see a junk item I just put up for trade when I go to the main page.

this is happening to me... o_O

Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:44 pm

I lost stuff out of my SDB AND the TP is looking odd like that for me today. Things just keep looking better and better for me! :x

Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:21 pm

yep, that is exactly what my screen looks like too :(

I just got up and its still doing that, so its been down for well over 12 hours now.....

my NP trapped in there on offers,,, the 700K NP/Items that I lost yesterday to the rollback SDB Fiasco, no reply to my bug report, nothing on the news about what is going to be done....

and it just keeps getting worse.....

has anyone heard anything about when the TP might be restored?

Many thanks in advance


Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:31 pm

My shops work fine but the trading post isn't.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:11 pm

well, I had 2 offers in the TP. One of them got cancelled and I got my money but it was cancelled alone, but the second one is still trapped in there.... :x
I hope I don't lose that money!

Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:47 pm

my Trading Post page looks like that too. Can't use it at all.

I also lost stuff from my SDB and Neohome from the rollback but thankfully it wasn't much.
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