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Neopoints gone - Help

Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:42 am

Hello all,

I'm Mike, a newbie to the forum. I've just lost over 25,000 NP due to some kind of database error. I started out trying to buy a Christmas Snarhook @ 8,300 NP (Great deal). When I clicked to buy, it said "Database error - (Some line of numbers) Item could not be sent". So, I clicked back and tried to buy it again but it was gone.

Not noticing that my NP was being deducted, I thought someone else had bought it. I did the same process and the same error kept coming up twice. Finally, on my 4th attempt, it said that I had "insufficient NP" and it was then I noticed I only had 800+ NP.

I rushed to my inventory and no Christmas Snarhooks were there. Nil, nothing! I've waited for a few minutes thinking this might be the same process as an unsuccessful bid at the auction house (NP will be deducted then refunded if you don't win the auction) but so far, I've had no luck.

What should I do?! I wouldn't mind even if I lost 8,000 NP (Can easily earn it back with games) but 24,000 NP!!!??? I need help.


Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:46 am

Hi and welcome to the forum

If there was a problem the first time you tried to buy the snarhook, went back to the shop and it was gone, that the original np had been taken, how did you end up losing so much? I'm a bit confused about how this happened - when you talk about repeating the process 4 times.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:52 am


I first tried to buy a snarhook - Upon clicking, it said "database error (Numbers) Item could not be sent", I couldn't get it so I tried again. After trying, it said that the item didn't exist - Could've been someone else bought it or I did (Impossible because I couldn't find it in my inventory).

So, I tried another shop (Same thing happened), and tried ANOTHER shop (Again) and finally, at the 4th shop I visited and clicked the picture, it said that I had insufficient NP. It was only then I noticed that 24,000 NP was gone and nothing had been added to my inventory.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:56 am

I didn't realize that that particular petpet was so cheap!

I think the only thing you can do is send a bug report, though I doubt you'll get your np returned. If you have the names of the shops that may help, as the np amount should be in that person's shop till. Of course, there were many "glitches" today as the site is still in the process of getting straightened out from yesterday's outage.

And don't try to buy anything else tonight!

Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:12 am

It's happening to everyone. I just failed illusen's quest because I was unable to buy a gooseberry shake from the shop wiz.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:16 am

It happen to me too. I bought a Cheese Ghostkersandwich for quest and realise it did not appear in my inventroy. I tried twice in 2 different shops. The message "This object 22619 could not be given... database error.." appear. :(

Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:18 pm

Yeah, this has been happening a lot - I even heard of someone threatening to report one of the bigger players because she'd bought something in the player's shop and lost her NP without gaining the item - I think she thought the big player had intentionally scammed her :/

What an evil thing to happen, I'm sorry about your 24k :(

Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:25 pm

wow so sorry about all of your problems guys..i didn't even log in during the crash and i don't even try to do anything except play games for a while after a crash..reporting it may do some good tho..god luck to all..hopefully it will be resolved
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