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Restocking Nightmare

Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:05 am

I am sorry but I am soooo thoroughly annoyed (to avoid another phrase) with shops at the moment. Now although my old account was frozen (unfairly) I managed to get to where I am today with restocking and then some un-named friend(not) got into my account and transfered all my money, (i wish neo would keep a list of recent trades grrrrr) ANYWAY *yawn* before i bore you to death I have had to make money from games only recently as everytime i try to buy from shops neo seems to freeze on me, it happens in every shop and i have a very very fast connection so i know its not me it also happens in work as well as home, is neo possibly US Biased? I dont know but it seems most people in UK i speak to suffer from this

anyway does it happen to you 99% of the time? if so where are you from?

Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:09 am

Uh, I don't quite get what you're saying.
Are you asking if restocking is hacked to only work for US residents?

Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:12 am

Neo is waaay too glitchy at the moment to try RS'ing from main shops, so I can't go give it a go at the moment, but I can tell you that here in Sweden at least I've suffered no difficulty compared to RS'ing in the states. I live here in Sweden, but I'm American and visit home (Texas) every summer and play Neopets there during that time too. So, I've had the chance to RS on both sides of the pond two years in a row now and I've seen no difference in my success/fail rate at RS. :) Hope that helps you a little.

Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:28 am

yeah i guess i was saying that maybe restocks are biased towards US but thats why i was asking, maybe its just me :-)
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