For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:49 am
I'm new to this, only been on neopets for a couple of months and was wanting some advice on my weapons. I'm training her as fast as I can right now and trying to get some good, but yet affordable weapons while in the training process. What would you suggest for under a total of say 500K?
- Statistics -
Level : 37
Hit Points : 74 / 74
Strength : EXCELLENT (42)
Defence : EXCELLENT (42)
Movement : EXCELLENT (42)
Intelligence : master genius (93)
She has all the "known" faerie blessings that I have found listed for levels up to 38 and these weapons:
Large Metal Shield
Caustic Potion
Snowglobe Staff (which I get angry with when it "breaks", wish I had something better)
Grand Lightning Beam
Lost Desert Dagger
Short Bronze Sword
Scarab Stone Slingshot
Oh, and she's an Eyrie, and I cannot stand single use items unless I just HAVE to have them. Otherwise, I would rather go a little more expensive and get something I can use over and over again.
Also, I cannot seem to beat Meuka not matter what I do. Those radioactive muffins just wipe me out everytime.
Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:02 am
Welcome to the forums.
Any questions on weapon advice should go in the sticky on top of this board. ( )