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Official Warning from The Neopets Team

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:25 am

(sorry if this is in the wrong place - can't think of a more appropriate place :P)

You have received an official warning from the Neopets Team for violating the Neopets Terms and Conditions. Roleplay should not include anything sexual, violent or gross. This includes: people or pets mating, RP boyfriends/girlfriends, neomarriages, pets in heat, Slash RP, any kind of party, gang wars, violent fighting, religion, politics, and adult lifestyle. If you continue to break the rules, your account will be permanently frozen. To see a list of Neo Rules, please visit Please do not reply to this NeoMessage.

Only thing I can think of it being for is this:
Hee hee, I understand work stress :P Have to deal with my other half's each week :P He's doing 5 x 10 hour (an occasional 12 in there) and 1 x 9 hour every week :)

Which is why I'm enjoying having him home today, even if it IS because he hurt his back, and even if he is simply laying in bed resting :) Just knowing he's here is lovely :) I miss him all week while he's working :)

I'm really annoyed by that :/ There isn't even anything *slightly* offensive in that is there? Am I totally missing something?

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:27 am

Were you even roleplaying at the time?

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:31 am

Nope :( On the Plushie Tycoon board, one guy had just said he was sorry for something, and that his work hours were long, and he tried to keep work stress out of the boards. That was my reply to him.

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:31 am

That's why most people say "Avoid posting on Neoboards at all costs!"

I know I will only chat off site!

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:34 am

Well, they sent you a warning about not posting anything sexual, and you said "stress" in your message...

Think about it.

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:38 am

Zero wrote:Well, they sent you a warning about not posting anything sexual, and you said "stress" in your message...

Think about it.

Um I don't get it...

Are you saying there is something implied by the word stress? If so that warning is almost as bad as the freezing over "flannel".

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:38 am

simply laying in bed resting

This is why you got a warning. :/

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:47 am

Darklegendary wrote:
simply laying in bed resting

This is why you got a warning. :/

I was actually about to come back in here and ask if mentioning bed would be it :) So they don't look at the whole message, just a portion of it?

I really am just honestly confused, I even sent in an auto-form to ask, cos I dont get it. And I've been playing the site for over three years :P LOL!

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:49 am

I don't even think they look at it, just a bot that is programed to pick up the word or phrase and you get warned.

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:49 am

you naughty naughty girl ;) talking about work hours on neopets shame on you :>

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:51 am

ROFL! :roflol:

yep, shame on me! :D

Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:59 am

Perhaps the warning-bot is programmed for nuances of grammar.

The term you wanted, for passively horizontal, was lying. Laying indicates being more, um, active.


Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:04 am

Eh.. I think they need to hire more staffies to look into these things.


Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:16 am

hiddenneggs wrote:(...)The term you wanted, for passively horizontal, was lying. Laying indicates being more, um, active.


Hee hee, and :o I actually didnt realise that at all! And I'm usually quite good with where I use confusing words :oops:

I actually went and googled it too, cos I had always (I think always) only used lying as in "telling a lie" But I will say "I am going to lie down" but once I am there I am "laying" down.

Heehee, grammar lesson for the day learnt ;) Now if I could just fix my spelling... ;)

Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:41 am

Don't be overly stressed out about it :P Send in a support form and get things clarified/sorted out?
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