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Pet Central's age

Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:00 am

Anyone notice that pet central hasnt been updated in a while... some of the links are of the older versions of pets.... and they're really bad images lol.... when do you think the revamp's gonna happen?

Re: Pet Central's age

Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:28 am

DraikNest wrote:Anyone notice that pet central hasnt been updated in a while... some of the links are of the older versions of pets.... and they're really bad images lol.... when do you think the revamp's gonna happen?
Eh.. I think they'll get 'round to it sometime..

Re: Pet Central's age

Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:20 am

DraikNest wrote:Anyone notice that pet central hasnt been updated in a while... some of the links are of the older versions of pets.... and they're really bad images lol.... when do you think the revamp's gonna happen?

they probably kind of forgot about it.

Maybe this post will remind them *cough*

Although I do sort of see why they're concentrating on the maps first.
They mater most to people who play the site regularly

Re: Pet Central's age

Sun Nov 14, 2004 4:25 am

B55B55 wrote:
DraikNest wrote:Anyone notice that pet central hasnt been updated in a while... some of the links are of the older versions of pets.... and they're really bad images lol.... when do you think the revamp's gonna happen?

they probably kind of forgot about it.

Maybe this post will remind them *cough*

Although I do sort of see why they're concentrating on the maps first.
They mater most to people who play the site regularly

Sure, it'll remind them, but usually they tend to do the exact opposite of what we suggest because we complained about it ;)
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