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Outside ads on Neopets

Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:11 am

Today I was browsing Neopets and saw an ad for Classmates at the top banner. I really hope that banner isn't going to turn into an advertising spot for annoying ads I see on tonnes of other websites. Maybe it's just a glitch?

Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:17 am

Its no mistake. There are indeed outside ads on neopets now.
But its only about 3% (I think) of all ads that will end up being like that. This was said by Adam himself.

*shrug* Nothing really to be worried about though. You go through pages so quickly you won't even notice ;)

Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:33 am

Well, 3% isn't too bad. I just noticed because I was reading the news, but I don't usually look at that banner anyway.

Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:44 am

There were outside ads before, ever since the new toolbar, they were just taken off for a while due to some of them having spyware in them. Adam has now sorted out the bad from the good and fingers crossed there wont be any spyware in them, Im keeping my eyes open though just incase!!

Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:11 pm

Another topic on this?

X.x But really, I think that the ads given to you are based on ads and gender- for example, girls will get Sparkle deodorant. It's getting out of hand, I must admit- The site has to make money, but this is starting to get ridiculous. The sponsors they've had have done enough.

Fri Nov 12, 2004 1:38 pm

lately i'm getting on asking me if i want massages at sheraton hotel a LOT

Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:19 pm

Oh :o what is this coming to?! *protects bori from outside ads*

Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:58 pm

Neopets isn't obliged to do anything for us. It's a free service (well, mostly). Neopets can just change the site into a banner ad company, and you would have no right to complain. The reason the site is what it is now, is that it would be in it's best interest to do so. Parents wouldn't premote a site that teaches people how to get spyware. Soon, the only viewer of their pages would be Googlebot. Does Neopets want that? If their minds haven't been taken over by Livestrongs (go to topic in sig), probably not.

Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:17 pm

A few of us got off topic :oops: (sorry ScottNak) here: about the new ads.

Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:09 pm

The problem I have with some of the ads (like the one in the shop of offers) is Neopets is now advertising things that their users will get FROZEN for talking about! How rediculous is that?! They have a "would Kerry have made a good president" ad, an eBay ad.... how much sense does that make? I don't mind the ads, but perhaps Neopets needs to remend their freezing policies if they're going to break their own rules.

Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:42 pm

Johnnydontgo wrote:The problem I have with some of the ads (like the one in the shop of offers) is Neopets is now advertising things that their users will get FROZEN for talking about! How rediculous is that?! They have a "would Kerry have made a good president" ad, an eBay ad.... how much sense does that make? I don't mind the ads, but perhaps Neopets needs to remend their freezing policies if they're going to break their own rules.

I agree also, a lot of the adds aren't appropreate for younger users. I really think they should individualy contract with companys to do the banner ads. That way they kow they're safe and spyware free -- and they'll probably get more money out of it.

Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:56 pm

I don't know if this is already done (I doubt it), but it might be a good idea to only display these eBay and political ads to users over 13.. I'd say over 18, but that distinction isn't made on Neopets... Anyhow, I really think I wouldn't have anything to complain about if I knew that 10 year old kids weren't being offered a job in the Navy, or an account on eBay.

Edit: Speaking of adware.. is anyone else blocking (or finding) tracking cookies from a company called "Avenue A" on Neopets? I've been getting alot of them... o_O

Fri Nov 12, 2004 9:02 pm

I'm from the younger crowd and non of the bikini pin up or navy ads are bothering me. Why should they? I know we have a war going on. It happens. I know about pinups. Heck, I know the HISITORY of pin ups. Doesn't bother me.

Fri Nov 12, 2004 9:43 pm

br00ster wrote:I'm from the younger crowd and non of the bikini pin up or navy ads are bothering me. Why should they? I know we have a war going on. It happens. I know about pinups. Heck, I know the HISTORY of pin ups. Doesn't bother me.

Yeah, but that's not the point. Number one, I've seen you post everywhere, and I don't know exactly how old you are, but you're obviously a rather mature and intelligent preteen. Not all kids your age are. Secondly, it's more about what over-protective parents are going to say, and not the response of the children themselves. I have a two year old, and when she's 10, I'm hoping I will have taught her well enough to know that advertisements shouldn't be the basis of what she wears, thinks, feels, etc. But some parents assume it's the media's job to teach their children that, and therein lies the problem.

Fri Nov 12, 2004 9:59 pm

I don't know if that 3% is accurate--I have refreshed about 50 times and gotten an Eddie Bauer ad 5 times, a Red Lobster ad 7 times, and some post-graduate program once. It might have been a long time since I went to school, but that is way more than 3%.

And, I am getting tons and tons of cookies.

I really don't mind the ads, a necessary evil in this society--but the cookies really slow down my computer. At times, the page even locks up and I have to start a new page--seems to happen when the tribalfusion cookie tries to get onto my system.
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