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Making Same-Page Links

Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:30 pm

I'm currently working on a pet page of mine, and I was wondering how to make one of those links. The links you click and you end up on the sampe page, just a different place. For Example, you click on a link saying "Stats" and Batledome stats furthur down on that page pop up on your screen. How do you do that?

(PS: The page I'm working on is ... O0Usuki0Oo )

Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:45 pm

Anchor links are easy :)

<a href="#Link1">Put the text you want people to click here!</a>

Then put this in the code where you want the reader to end up:

<a name="Link1">More Text!</a>

You can of course rename 'Link1' to anything you wish, but the set has to match! These act just like regular text links, there's nothing special about formatting them.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:02 pm

Yay! It's works! :lol: (Well, duh, you knew that) Thank you sooo much!!! I've wanted to know how to do that for the longest time but I could never find anything as far as HTML help websites. :D
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