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Anyone else lose ALL OF THEIR ITEMS TOO!?!?!

Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:47 pm




[freaks out]

Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:48 pm

i just wouldnt do anything. i just lost a bit of the secret lab i put in my shop, and all my inventory is gone...

Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:48 pm

You're not the only one, it seems to be a glitch. There are a few posts about it.

Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:50 pm

Yeah.. All my items are gone, I don't care about the goodie bags.. i just want the gifts from my best friend ever (matt) back. they wern't worth much, but the rest can dissapeer if i can get that back.

Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:51 pm

Mmhm... I lost all the items in my shop. Not in my inventory or SDB, though. At least I got 15k in my till from items I sold =D

Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:52 pm

It had better come back...I just agreed to buy 7 mil worth of lupe plushies, and I'll be darned if I'm not going to get them because they're lost in limbo forever.

Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:58 pm

Shop items are gone too. See the other thread.

A word of advice from the "glitch faerie": don't move any items, don't restock items, don't accept/reject trades, and, in fact, probably best not to touch your nps right now.

Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:01 pm

My inventory and BD equipped is still there, just my shop is gone. I don't expect its permanent. THey do make backups. Good news is, this sort of thing has happened before and everything was OK so take a deep breath and calm down, people! In a slight chance we do loose stuff, getting upset now isn't going to do you any good.

EDIT: and what Morning Star said: do not do anythng with items :)

Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:09 pm

As I just discovered, before reading morningstar's post:
do not buy ANY items from the official shops. You will lose your neopoints, and you will not receive your items.

Play games. That's it. Or read a book, which is better for you anyway.

Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:13 pm

Oh my dear you think they'll return the items in your shop/inventory, or are they gone forever? Oh dear god...My inventory was pretty empty...but my shop had a gallery with things worth A LOT of neopoints in there...I've never had this happen to me before until now .____. (And considering I've been on neopets for a long time, is that lucky?)

Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:14 pm

shapu, here's a list of things not to do:

Don't get freebies--they will disappear

Don't restock--you will not get the item but get charged for it anyway

Don't take stuff out of your SDB--it will disappear

Don't accept/decline trades

Don't do any quests right now--you can't buy the items you need

If you have items in your inventory (I don't), don't put them in your SDB or your shop or on the TP. Most likely they will disappear once the missing items are restored.

If you have items in your inventory, don't send anything to anyone--it will disappear

I don't know about the bank or nps--as I am too fearful to touch them.

Like shapu said, it is best to just read a book right now.

EDIT: I don't know if any of you remember, but a few weeks back someone posted about not seeing the red pteri lately. I think we jinxed ourselves by talking about it.
Last edited by Morningstar on Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:16 pm

Morningstar wrote:I don't know about the bank or nps--as I am too fearful to touch them.

I don't know about the bank but I can tell you that I am getting the nps from playing Pyramids, so some games are still giving nps, what will happen during/after the glitch I don't know *shruggs*

Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:18 pm

For the bank, if you collect your interest or deposit NP, that will work. I'm not sure about withdrawing NP though.

Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:20 pm

Those old Saturday morning glitches 2 days early!

Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:25 pm

I just want to say that I'm sooo glad I found this forum. I was starting to slightly freak out. I've lost the things in my shop (which wasn't too much...I'd sold the really big one) for the moment. I did try to get an omlet out of my Saftey Deposit Box, cause my kau was hungry. Oh well. They're free anyway. Anyone know how long these glitches usually last?
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