For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:09 pm
I am attempting to buy lab map pieces through the auction, but I have yet to be successful. Does anyone have any tips/strategies on how to buy stuff? I'm wondering if maybe my computer just isn't fast enough...
Thanks in advance for your help.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:17 pm
Hmmm... I've found if you're not fast enough then its all just a matter of timing and luck. Basically take a guess at what you believe the price will be (bidded up to) when the Auction closes and then add the required increasement onto it, from there you just need to try and time it so that you send your bid a split second before the Auction closes (I've found clicking the submit button over and over can help but be careful about doing it too early as someone might come in a bid over the top of you). Obviously you won't always be successful as you may over/under estimate the price or you might give someone 1/2 a second to bid over the top of you but these are the things I usually try and do when I'm after an Auction Lot.
Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:20 am
To keep prices down, take note of when an auction ends. Save time and effort and only bid at the last possible moment. You can only bet 5000 NP OVER the last bid. Believe me, people WILL bet more than the minimum.
Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:50 am
Ive only gotten one lab map piece through an auction, and it was for 35k.
The tip I give for auction sniping is to NEVER bid over the shop wiz price. Lab map pieces, I wouldn't go over 55-56k. You have to estimate, like said before, the price you think it will be bidded up to. ONLY place bids in the last 10 seconds of the auction. Type in the price you are willing to build up to, and copy it. You can only bid 5k more than the last bid, so keep that in mind. I always make my bid (that I copied) during the 4-6th second, and usually that makes me fast enough. If your bid is higher than everyone elses, and your fast enough, you will iwn the auction.
EX. Lab Map Piece is in the last 10 seconds of its auction time. The last bid was 35k, and the increment for increasement is 2k. You refresh, and its down to the last 4 seconds, and the last bidding price is now 45k. You then place your estimated price in the box, and quickly click the bid button. If your price is high enough, and not over the 5k increasement rule, then you will win. Usually others will bid the same time as you, but the determining factor for your victory is the price you or they choose to bid. If some bids 46k, and you bid 48k, and someone else bids 52k at the same time, they will outbid you, and usually winning the auction. As you cannot make a decent bid in 2 seconds.
Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:01 am
Thanks everyone...I'm going to keep trying at the auctions, cause if I can actually win, I can get stuff a lot cheaper than in the stores.
Thanks for the tips!