For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:43 pm
It appears that all of those dead shops on the shop wiz--particularly the "a" line--are gone. Which is really good news for anyone who has a shop on the "a" line.
It was a real pain in the neck trying to sell light faeries, christmas tree neggs, brown neggs, glamour neggs, among other things, out of my secondary shop.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:50 pm
are they? Yay!!! I'm an "A" person myself, I hope my shop picks up a bit now.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:50 pm
Wow, that'll sure make life easier for the A line.
But now I won't find as many vastly underpriced Christmas Paint Brushes on other searches :(
I'm glad they got around to it, so I'll try not to complain about how long it took...
Last edited by
Quahog on Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:52 pm
yes! it was so annoying to look for items, and then lose the cheap shop that i'ld bookmarked to it, and then having to find it again
*immediately goes off shopping*
Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:07 pm
Quahog wrote:But now I won't find as many vastly underpriced Christmas Paint Brushes on other searches
Yes, I must admit that I, too, got many an underpriced negg and faerie because of those dead shops.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:13 pm
I don't get it... What happened in the beggining?
Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:40 pm
Thats good. I sent a couple of reports to them about it. Since when browsing for certain stuff it got me quite frustrated. Especially when I was just having a tinker on neo in my lunch break or whilst my food was cooking...
Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:45 pm
what would happen was that you would go into a shop, with the username usually starting with "a" for some reason, and then it would tell you that user "insert name here" does not have a shop! and its probably lost in a database transfer, and they are getting onto it real quickly.
only thing was, these shops usually had the cheapest items, and it was painful to have to pay so much more when you could see those cheap shops, especially when shopping for lab ray pieces
Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:04 pm
Back in late June/early July, Neo moved all of our shops to a new database. Immediately after the move, all of these dead shops appeared on the shop. Mostly on the "a" line, but a few here and there on the "b" line and the "g" line.
If you looked up certain items, like a plain negg, glamour negg, christmas tree negg, christmas PB, bottled light faerie, you could find these dead accounts quite easily--as they were all at the top of the "a" line with crazy, cheap prices. But, when you clicked on the shop, you got a message saying that the shop had disappeared.
My guess is that these were not currently active accounts that somehow got messed up, but rather accounts that had been inactivated or frozen a while ago and then somehow got transferred over with the move to the new database.
First off, the prices were really cheap--as if the prices were from one long time ago--prior to inflation.
Second, if you looked at the "dead" person's user look up, there was no "last spotted" line. I don't know if anyone remembers this, but at some point in the past, the "last spotted" line got changed. Neo used to tell exactly how many hours, minutes you were last logged in and now it tells you by number of days. So, possibly these were players who had been inactivated/frozen prior to that change.
And, third, if you looked at the games these "dead" users had played, none of them were newer games and some of the games were no longer in existence.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:29 pm
Oh, good. I'm an 'a' myself, so this is good news for me!
Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:40 pm
I'm an 'A' too. Good for business, bad for high score tables
Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:50 pm
Bad for High Score Tables, how?
That's great! Now I can actually go searching for Lab Map Peices without having the dead shops come up... That was just annoying.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:33 pm
Yay for 'A'! *points to his username*
Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:23 pm
Yes! I'm an "a" ("i" is in with "a", and I'm icegirl720) so this will be very good for business. Thanks for telling us!
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