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Stampsyne Frozen 10/28 - updates and discussion

Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:51 am

FROZEN October 28, 2004!

Everybody in my group of friends, as well as two employees and some other patrons are still frozen at Cafe Enternet in Bend, Oregon. Even though I wrote staff member William and he wrote back that I should be able to access my account. His response was quick, but his actions not full. I've written twice again saying I haven't been unfrozen yet and I have encouraged the others to do the same. I know one person here has also written. NO RESPONSE.

EDIT: I wrote a snail mail to Neopets November 10th

EDIT: I accepted a friend's back up account, Plaquenil. I will continue to fight for my account, but will keep good care of this one in the meantime. I created a pet and adopted one as well.

EDIT: Have a sinking suspicion that neostaff are now blocking e-mails because of the flood of requests to be unfrozen!

EDIT: Neocourt discussion starting in page 3, for those who are interested. It is just a suggestion I was making about neopets, it has nothing to a do with Neopets in reality.

EDIT: This just keeps on going and going and going!
Last edited by stampsyne on Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:21 am, edited 15 times in total.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:59 am

Aww, That sucks! I lost my oldest acct boots210 because I got scammed, and i simply told TNT if i couldn't have my acct back, no one should have it and so they froze it. well.. i've tried to get it back but it has yet to work after 1 year or so, argh

Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:02 am

I know. I had an ancient account that was frozen for ... I cannot exactly recall. it was WAY old and i just wanted the username back. No dice. I think it was frozen for taking advantage of a glitch that I didn't know was a glitch. I gave up on it for awhile and came back later to create a new account. I am now a die hard player. Waiting ... patiently
Last edited by stampsyne on Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:03 am

Hopefully this will catch the eye of certain people and you will have full access to your account very soon. When you mail support just include the email you recieved and kindly point out that you still don't have access to your account.

I still don't understand why they never take in to account that not everyone has a home computer or fast internet and use public computers. Kinda seams like Neopets is sending the message.. "don't use any kind of public computer if you don't want a trip to iceland."

Hope you get your account very soon. ;)

Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:04 am

stampsyne wrote:I know. I had an ancient account that was frozen for ... I cannot exactly recall. it was WAY old and i just wnted the username back. No dice. I think it was frozen for taking advantage of a glitch that I didn't know was a glitch. I gave up on it for awhile and came back later to create a new account. I am now a die hard player. Waiting ... patiently

I hope you get your account back, I just wanted boots219 back for the username also, my grandfather had thought of it because it was the name of our deceased cat followed by his favorite number 219.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:13 am

koala1432 wrote: because it was the name of our deceased cat followed by his favorite number 219.

Your Grandpa's favorite number or the cats? *poke*

Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:16 am

Stampsyne, I feel just awful for you and have some Halloween goodie bags stashed away for you--since you missed Halloween. I can't wait to give them to you when your account is unfrozen.

I have a suggestion. By any chance, have you approached the owner of the internet cafe and asked him to write on his patrons' behalf? After all, if there were a lot of his patrons playing Neopets in his CyberCafe who are now frozen, his business must be hurting a bit. So, it would be beneficial to him to write to Neo about this--if for no other reason than a financial gain. Perhaps, he could write to Neo, give a photocopy of his business license and his most recent internet statement and the usernames of all of his frozen customers. And, if he has no time to write the letter, maybe you could draft one up for him and see if he will agree to sign it.

I know for a fact that just about anyone can trace an IP address to an actual address--so it wouldn't be that difficult for Neo to see that the IP belonged to a commercial business and not to an residential customer.

I am crossing my fingers for you. It isn't fair for anyone to tell you that your account is unfrozen and then take it away from you seconds later.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:36 am

Morningstar wrote:I have a suggestion. By any chance, have you approached the owner of the internet cafe and asked him to write on his patrons' behalf? After all, if there were a lot of his patrons playing Neopets in his CyberCafe who are now frozen, his business must be hurting a bit. So, it would be beneficial to him to write to Neo about this--if for no other reason than a financial gain. Perhaps, he could write to Neo, give a photocopy of his business license and his most recent internet statement and the usernames of all of his frozen customers. And, if he has no time to write the letter, maybe you could draft one up for him and see if he will agree to sign it.

That is a good idea. However, your internet cafe owner may not be bothered to go to such lengths to help a handful of his customers.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:14 am

Qanda wrote:That is a good idea. However, your internet cafe owner may not be bothered to go to such lengths to help a handful of his customers.

Actually, they would be quite happy to be rid of us. We sit around and play games like Bilge Dice with real dice or Neopets TCG, we distract our friends and relatives that work there, and we hog an entire bank of computers. We do buy a lot of Pumpkin Lattes and herbal teas ... but not as much as "walk in-walk out"s do.

*sipping on the same tea for two hours*

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:08 am

That is SO sad :hug:

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:09 am

Thank you! I welcome your support!

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:10 am

My brother got frozen for saying an acronym in the neoboards. I guess somebody thought it was dirty!

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:26 am

Well, I hope you get your account back. Maybe all us frozen people should help each other somehow, I dunno. We're all in this together after all. If the store owner won't help, I can't give much advice. Did you try sending them a letter though?

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:35 am

I haven't sent a paper letter yet. I am gonna give them some time and then shoot one off to them in a week or two.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:37 am

Same here. One idea I thought of once is what if members can send letters on behalf of another person. It might say something about a person's character if he can be nice and befriend people to send letters. So maybe I'll send a letter for myself and for you.
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