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Shop of Offers - Gone?

Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:03 am

ERROR : Back soon!

This is the message I get when I go to the Shop of Offers. I didn't even get my slorg today. :x

I wonder whats going to go in its place, or if they are just changing the different ads and stuff? Will the slorg still be there?

Sorry if the has already been posted. Mods, feel free to lock this topic if you choose to.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:08 am

I have never even heard of it. You get a free slorg?

Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:09 am

No, you get free np.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:10 am

No. There was a slorg in there slorging around, and when you clicked on him, he gave you either 50 NP or 100 NP. Mostly 50 NP though.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:55 am

I had more fun watching the slorg than clicking on it *Slorg erasing the ads*

Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:33 am

Well, I was on the site for awhile tonight (longer than usual lately) and didn't see a single non-Neopet ad on that dratted top banner. I'm wondering if all the ads have been pulled while things are discussed, re-assessed, whatever.

I only went to that shop once ... my privacy report thing went into overdrive.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:53 am of offers? What and where is that?

Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:59 am

What it used to be was a page with many different things on it. My personal favorite was the Slorg.

It is still there-on the main page of shops, lower right hand corner.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:03 am

Twizzler0171 wrote:It is still there-on the main page of shops, lower right hand corner.

Here is the URL for those that don't want to go searching: ... highstreet

:) Of course, there isn't much there right now...

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:06 am

I saw it, and I remeber what it is. It didnt give you anything for free exactly, and I still havnt learned how to "Compare the prices"

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:07 am

br00ster wrote:It didnt give you anything for free exactly

You could get free nps (not many but some is better than none) for clicking on a Slorg.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:18 am

You could? 0.o
*gets down on knees* *crys to TNT*
Pleeeaaassseee! Bring it back! :cry:

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:24 am

br00ster wrote:You could? 0.o
*gets down on knees* *crys to TNT*
Pleeeaaassseee! Bring it back! :cry:

if they took it away because of spyware and tracking cookies, you DON'T want it back ;)

Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:32 am

vinylraven wrote:
br00ster wrote:You could? 0.o
*gets down on knees* *crys to TNT*
Pleeeaaassseee! Bring it back! :cry:

if they took it away because of spyware and tracking cookies, you DON'T want it back ;)

But you see, I use mozilla AND adaware.

Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:40 am

br00ster wrote:
vinylraven wrote:
br00ster wrote:You could? 0.o
*gets down on knees* *crys to TNT*
Pleeeaaassseee! Bring it back! :cry:

if they took it away because of spyware and tracking cookies, you DON'T want it back ;)

But you see, I use mozilla AND adaware.

it's only 50 neopoints.. o_O;
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