For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:13 am
Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:53 am
Turmac Roll, Volcano Run, Jelly Processing Plant, Defender Trainer, Hanna and the Pirate/Ice Caves, Meerca Chase, Igloo Garage Sale, Usuki Frenzy, just to name a few.
Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:05 pm
Any game that you can earn the maximum 1,000 np's in less than 10 minutes. If you have to spend more time than that then it isn't worth it.
For me games that fit that description or come close to it are:
Defender Trainer
Carnival of Terror
Warf Rescue
Word Poker
Zurro Ball
Extreme Potato Counter
Ultimate Bullseye
The Buzzer Game
Usuki Frenzy
Moon Rock Rampage
Dice Escape
Escape To Kreludor
Faerie Crossword
Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:53 am
For quick NP, Meerca Chase. There's probably other ones, but that's the game I save for if I need NP for something quick.
For lots of NP, get good enough at a game to get 1000 NP per play, then play it. I'm good at Mootix Drop, Zurroball, Eliv Thade, Evil Fuzzles, Petpetsitter, Kreludan Mining, Hubrid's Hero Heist, and Hannah and the Pirate caves for example.
Mon Nov 01, 2004 7:33 am
I prefer
Whack a Kass (quick, easy, and at least 500 np a good hit)
Bilge Dice (The more you play .. the quicker it is to get to 5000 np limit)
Cellblock (so easy once you know how, and 5000 nO limit)
All three are games you should probably read PPT's guide on first, to actually WIN good on them. Kass is the only one that costs nothing to play.
Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:29 pm
I personally think Whack A Kass can be very helpfull if you have the bat unlocked.
Ultimate Bullseye is a fun and decently payed game, if you are good at it, like me.
Bilge Dice is very helpful if you have the 1000 unlocked
Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:35 pm
I like Destruct-o-Match 2, Escape to Kreludor, Volcano Run, Ultimate Bullseye, Meerca Chase, Swarm, Faerie Bubbles, and Snowmuncher. For non-Flash games, Cellblock, Pyramids, and Sakhmet Solitaire.
Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:22 am
For me, the games that's good for NP is:
1. Hannah and the Ice Caves
2. Meerca Chase
3. Trouble At the National Neopian
4. Hannah and the Pirate Caves
5. Attack of the Slorgs
6. ToyBox Escape
7. Igloo Garage Sale - The Game -
8. Petpet Rescue
9. Turmac Roll
10. Deckswabber
Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:17 pm
I'm no good at games that demand dexterity, so I stick with word poker, pyramid, sekhmet solitaire, cheat.
Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:22 pm
Whack a Kass
Ultimate Bullseye
Eliv Thade
Trouble at the National Neopian
Hannah and the ice caves (3k in ~5 minutes, using last level)
Faerie Bubbles (patience, training and luck)
Destructomatch II (normal, can be pretty good)
Escape to Kreludor
Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:42 am
Hannah and the Ice Caves is a pretty quick 1,000 NP... the only catch is that you have to get the the VERY LAST bonus level- ***Muhaha. Once you defeat it and cash in the NP, you'll have enough to get 1,000.
Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:01 am
To earn 500NPs & above:
1. Cliffhanger - 1350NP/hard mode
2. Faerie Bubbles - 500NP to 1000NP
3. The Castle of Eliv Thade - 600NP to 1000NP/ hard mode
4. Destruct-O-Match II - 600NP to 900NP/normal mode
5. Faerie Crossword - 600NP
Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:46 am
Bilge dice, daily limit of 5000
Sun Nov 14, 2004 9:00 pm
I would say...
Wack a Kass
Web Of Vernax
Turmy Roll
That's what I play everyday to make 5k a day.
Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:54 pm
We all have different best games
1. Bilge Dice - Once you have the 1000 NP option you can make easily up to 8000 NP a day sometimes in a few minutes.
It says max 5000 but you can make up to 8000
2. Whack-A-Kass - easily 2000 NP/day
3. Chia Bomber - 3000/day (its the max and its easy)
4. Faerie Crossword - 600/day and a point of intelligence 1 time on 2
5. Cliffhanger 1500 (-150) + chance treasure chest and winter events
6. NeggSweeper on easy you get your 3000 Np quickly
7. Extreme Potato Counter about 1000
I'll give a try at everyone's 1st choice. But not Volcano Run
It depends on your mouse. I hardly make 300. On my friend computer I can go up to 2000.
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