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Could anybody decide what weapons to use?

Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:46 pm

I would have posted this on the reccomendations topic but that board has been dead for days.

My budget is around 600,000 NP.
My pet's species is Lupe.

Lvl : 22
Str : 26
Def : 26
Mov : 14
Hp : 40 / 40

Iron Lupe sword X 2
Iron Lupe Collar
Ancient Lupe wand
Honey potion

Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:49 pm

A green scorchstone would be just right for you. :)

Do you play 1P or 2P? If 1P, you could consider getting a green sticy hand. Many 1P opponents have good weapons to steal.


Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:53 pm

I usually fight one-player.

I also have a Blue scorchstone that's gathering dust in my SDB.
Should I still go for the Green or use the Blue instead?

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:00 pm

I would recommend to upgrade to green, since you have the cash. Better do it now before it inflates due to the news of war.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:06 pm

What about attacking weapons?

My current strategy is to freeze and defend in the first turn, then use H Potion and occasionally another bomb when my enemy is frozen. The I try to finish it off with the Iron Sword or Heal with my Blue scorchstone, depenng on the situation.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:09 pm

I think your attacking weapons are fine, it's your stats which need working. Try to get the 35 boost for your strength and defence.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:15 pm

I'm training as fast as I can 8)

I was away from Neopets for almost a year, and started playing again a few months ago... I finally saved up enough for weapons and training :evil:

I've heard great things about the Sinsis Sword. Is it worth the 550,000 NP price tag?

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:27 pm

The sinsis sword is fine, but you could get the same icon range in a melting mirror, which is about 150k cheaper.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:34 pm

550,000 does seem a lot for 9 icons...

Illusens earth potion does the same number of icons and is only 2k, but then again, Illusens earth potion is one-use and easy to block.
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