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Plot Codes

Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:17 pm


I'm not showing the one with the plot code to you :evil: . But I've made it to the 5th level found 2 gems 4 lives until i quit. Seriously theres one that says "code:"

Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:19 pm

The big question is: are they really making a plot? Last time with the island one there was more... more action! Jhuidah was kidnapped, as well as other people, etc... I just hope they're going to have a plot.
Then I'll make my brother finish Hannah2 to get all the codes

Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:25 pm

Some people on IDB already have the storyline stolen from somewhere and its real.

Its something about a crystal in the first two plots and betrayal and double crossing between pirates and hannah. In terms of chat speak Hannah and the Bori are 1337 and the pirates are Un1337.

Its a non fighting plot btw. And I dunno how the plot leaked out.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:45 pm

Crap, non-fighting? Good I didn't horde too many codestones.. XD

Is the actual plot line like up in the forums, or is just that they know?

Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:41 pm

Its pretty simple to figure out the basic plot idea from looking at the HAIC TCG cards.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:54 pm

myname7772 wrote:Some people on IDB already have the storyline stolen from somewhere and its real.

Where are you seeing that? I don't see it anywhere on the IDB Forums. o_O

Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:49 pm

they concluded it from seeing the tcg list (and picture) which I found 2 weeks before the hannah and the ice cave tcg officially released.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:50 pm

On an ironic sidenote, "Hannah's Solo Climb" level graffiti reads "Hannah is hot". Why on earth is the game still not frozen? (on an even more ironic coincidence, I've realized that it is.)

Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:01 pm

Hunter Lupe wrote:On an ironic sidenote, "Hannah's Solo Climb" level graffiti reads "Hannah is hot". Why on earth is the game still not frozen? (on an even more ironic coincidence, I've realized that it is.)

:roflol: yeah...thanks TNT way to encourage the New Member to put crap about who's hot all over the site so I have to look at it.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:37 pm

I have a feeling they're more related to the game, than to anything else, though. ("Jump Hannah Jump" is used on a level with a rather tricky jumping sequence with the two snow beasts; "Help Me" is a highly cooperative level)

Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:50 am

Probably this one: But I could remember it was longer. With 3 more spoilers.

Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:22 pm

Hunter Lupe wrote:On an ironic sidenote, "Hannah's Solo Climb" level graffiti reads "Hannah is hot". Why on earth is the game still not frozen? (on an even more ironic coincidence, I've realized that it is.)


Also, couldn't it be bad if Hannah was hot. *ice melts* *Hannah falls to her doom*

Just a thought.. :P

Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:30 pm

Pfft. You're lucky you can even get through the first level. Every time I try to launch the game, it comes up, I click play, and then I can't move. I have to click on the Game Window if I want to move, and still, all I can do then is JUMP. Can't move left, right, crouch, switch between Hannah and Armin, nothing. JUST JUMP. I'm going to fail this plot, I can see that.

[Edit] - 50th post! Yay!

Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:09 pm

I'd be surprised if it isn't leading up to a war. The way that the plot is presented (in comic form, like "Battle for Meridell" was) keeps making me think that there will be fighting involved. The puzzle plots are usually text-based, and this isn't. So I still think that a war is very very possible. Where did you get this info saying that it won't be a war?

Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:57 pm

matterbug wrote:
Hunter Lupe wrote:On an ironic sidenote, "Hannah's Solo Climb" level graffiti reads "Hannah is hot". Why on earth is the game still not frozen? (on an even more ironic coincidence, I've realized that it is.)


Also, couldn't it be bad if Hannah was hot. *ice melts* *Hannah falls to her doom*

Just a thought.. :P

:roflol: lol. nice!

I hope it's a war. But not a limited war. The enemies should be infinite. Anyway, where are the gems? I can't find any
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