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News for 10/26 -- Korbat Day!

Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:35 am

Korbats are now available in Pirate and Snot (eww gross!) varieties!


Intellectual Korbat fans will be heading to the Book Shop to get their hands on such delights as Baking Chocolate Korbats and Spooky Korbat Stories.


Congratulations Libical_rox, your level The Two Towers has just won this week's Meridell Castle Spotlight contest.

The Art Gallery is brimming over with pages and pages of Korbat themed pictures.

Ghostkomorichu and KomoriSpirit have just walked away with a shiny Site Spotlight trophy for their spooky site - The Graveyard.

The Bakery has unveiled a new range of tasty sandwiches in the shape of Korbats!


If you like the Ghost Korbat TCG card, you will love this new Background.


Don't miss out on the chance to earn yourself this new Korbat avatar...


The Toy Shop has three new Korbat themed toys on sale including a Talking Korbat Plushie.


Why not give your shop a Korbat theme with one of these new Shopkeepers?

There is even a Korbat themed Blog to go with your new shopkeeper!

Kauvara has just finished brewing up a new batch of Korbat Morphing Potions...

Image ImageImage Image

All Korbats that go to see Capn Threelegs today will be able to claim FREE training!

This amulet could prove very handy in the Battledome if you are a Korbat!


There are some new Korbat themed Poems for you to look at.

I didn't see any other news threads for today, which is odd because it's been out for a while, so I thought I'd post this up. :)

No new furniture or garden items. :(

Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:38 am

I love the baby korbat plushie! I want! *steals*

Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:40 am

:( Ohhhhh, I was hoping that TNT would release another part to their plot today!

I guess that means I've gotta wait another day :cry:

Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:47 am

i'm with you!! i'm going to be heading off to exams soon, so i want to see as much as possible now, because tnt has the worst timing when it comes to me being able to play along with these, :(

on other things, eeww not more snot pets! :P

and i like the amulet :) its very um, for lack of a better word, pretty :P

Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:50 am

Yeah, I've got exams coming up soon as well, and I want this plot to be over before I seriously get into studying.

I wonder what that amulet does. Maybe it's one of those species freezers. TNT said they were going to release a lot more healing and freezing weapons so maybe...

Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:50 am

The new weapon isn't a can just look at the Neopets Battlepedia for what it does...and freezing isn't one of it's skills. or healing. =/

Bet more r99 junk.

Bah....I got a lot of Korbat items to sell now.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:55 am

Mmmm, I just checked. Very pathetic. It's funny that Neo keeps on releasing all this r99 junk. I mean half of these new weapons look really cool, but no one in their right minds would want to use them.

Very, very sad =/

Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:06 am

Well the Neopets battlepedia doesn't tell the exact icons, just the icon type and what it does inthe BD.

If it can do, at least, 8 icons in battle, it's decent.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:01 pm

I shall attack you with a wad of my snot!
That pose was oddly done.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:13 pm

Image <3
So cute, I want it! Unfortunately I can't find any on the shop wiz now so I'll have to wait a few weeks.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:16 pm

No revamp. Poo.

However, the toys were nicely drawn. And the avatar was an easy one to get.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:21 pm

Ammer wrote:No revamp. Poo.

IMO, the Korbat looks cute enough and doesn't need a revamp.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:22 pm

Qanda wrote:
Ammer wrote:No revamp. Poo.

IMO, the Korbat looks cute enough and doesn't need a revamp.

I beg the differ. It can revamped into a nice looking Neopet like this:


Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:23 pm

I'm a bit disappointed.... I saw something Koya related in the Korbat Day stuff and I discover it's either R99 or 100 :cry: Just my luck I suppose.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:29 pm

Hey, Weezel made it into the gallery! - last picture
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