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Moehog Skull...

Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:48 am

I was wondering whether it would be worth it to buy a bunch of Rotting Riches or Pustravaganza (whichever gives the Moehog Skull!) and scratch them for the skull. Has anyone tried this? I've looked around, and I've found very little information on the Deserted Fairground scratchcards...But of course, I could just be a very bad looker.

What do you think?

Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:59 am

The chance of getting one from the cards is LOW. It' the mutating millions card that can give you a moehog scull. They're worth over a mil each I think. If you dare to waste say 10mil in nps to buy them and scratch, I guess there's no reason why you shouldn't :p

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:02 am

Wow, they're only worth a mil? I thought they were worth at least twenty...But of course, they're are none on the TP, SW, or AH. So, nobody will ever know...


Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:24 am

It's not like anybody would ever get a million pure for one. The TP only allows bid up to 800K and only up to 10 items. Still, it almost seems worth buying fairground scratch cards....

Scratching them is another story!

Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:58 am

stampsyne wrote:It's not like anybody would ever get a million pure for one. The TP only allows bid up to 800K and only up to 10 items. Still, it almost seems worth buying fairground scratch cards....

Scratching them is another story!

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