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Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:00 pm

Well I have been told that the auto adopt link no longer works, just a warning to all who are soon to transfer.

Im not sure if this is true or not.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:04 pm

I thought of a strange, but working way to transfer, at least from one account to another- go to the "pet search engine" in the pound while you have two separate browsers open, and on one, send the pet to the pound in one browser, then find it using the search engine in the other. Very effective, as you can log in on two different accounts on different browsers. If you're giving it to another person, use the same technique, except that it's not necessary to have two separate broswers open.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:20 pm

OmniIcyshelf wrote:I thought of a strange, but working way to transfer, at least from one account to another- go to the "pet search engine" in the pound while you have two separate browsers open, and on one, send the pet to the pound in one browser, then find it using the search engine in the other. Very effective, as you can log in on two different accounts on different browsers. If you're giving it to another person, use the same technique, except that it's not necessary to have two separate broswers open.

Yup. I use that method. I was never aware that there was an auto-adopt thing. What is it?

Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:43 pm

You can learn about it here, at The Neopian Orphanage:

The auto-adopt link worked fine for me last week...

Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:16 pm

Its true to a certain extent. When I was adopting using Netscape it worked...when I tried it on Internet Explorer it failed and I lost a Halloween Lupe (darn pound sitters)

I transfered again using the search engine (where youc have to click the pic) and I got my pet no problem.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:41 pm

OmniIcyshelf wrote:I thought of a strange, but working way to transfer, at least from one account to another- go to the "pet search engine" in the pound while you have two separate browsers open, and on one, send the pet to the pound in one browser, then find it using the search engine in the other. Very effective, as you can log in on two different accounts on different browsers. If you're giving it to another person, use the same technique, except that it's not necessary to have two separate broswers open.

Thats how I do it.. I never knew there was a different way.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:42 am

They disabled it?! Argh! Nooo!!!

Well I can testify that it worked yesterday.. damn them.. I'll be gutted if they've disabled that, it ruled :(

Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:47 am

I'll be getting a cloud kau this Friday!!! x.X Can someone confirm that it doesn't work anymore?? It'd be a pain to do if the link doesn't work anymore.... I can't compete with the pound sitters on speed, I only have 56k :cry:

Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:51 am

Oh no.. :o I hope it still works. I have to transfer my Chia with a Mootix+100 day old Slorg, & Grey Yurble. Nooo! -dies-

Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:15 am

I'm going to try transfering a cybunny myself on 2 different browsers using the link. I'll post later my result. *fingers crossed*

EDIT: ok, I thought I lost her, but no, the link STILL works!!!!! The transfer was successful for me using the link :) Ok everyone, you can stop biting your nails now :P

Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:09 am

oh god, I hope they haven't disabled it... this is just going to make it much more difficult to transfer pets :cry: Although, maybe that was the intent?

Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:24 am

OmniIcyshelf wrote:I thought of a strange, but working way to transfer, at least from one account to another- go to the "pet search engine" in the pound while you have two separate browsers open, and on one, send the pet to the pound in one browser, then find it using the search engine in the other. Very effective, as you can log in on two different accounts on different browsers. If you're giving it to another person, use the same technique, except that it's not necessary to have two separate broswers open.

Lol, wasn't that the way how everyone transferred their pets? I thought it was... but then I rarely transfer/receive any pets.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:19 am

Mokona wrote:I'll be getting a cloud kau this Friday!!! x.X Can someone confirm that it doesn't work anymore?? It'd be a pain to do if the link doesn't work anymore.... I can't compete with the pound sitters on speed, I only have 56k :cry:

i transferred a darigan eyrie to myself on a 46.6kbps connection so its not impossible.. and i've done painted pets before, i used the search engine way and internet explorer for dumping, and netscape to pick it up :)

and i thought that was the only way to transfer a pet :P oh well, soem smart people out there :P

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:04 pm

Well, I'm pretty sure it still works since I lended out my pet to my friend at around 11 pm NST and we had no problems with the auto adopt link.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:18 pm

I just adopted a Tyrannian Kougra from the pound last night, so apparently it still works.

My bad people, please lock mods.
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