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Paintbrush prices

Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:43 am

for the time that I wasn't playing neopets, the paintbrush prices sky rocketed like 200%. why was that, what happened?!

I remember when a faerie pb was 75k

Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:44 am

There has been many many new players since then. Demand has driven up the price. Have you priced morphing potions lately? On the other hand, more easily obtained items have deflated in value.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:49 am

Yeah, EVERY pb has risen in price these days. I remember when I first joined, I bought my baby pb for 125k or so when HT had them for 200k, most of the other pbs were less than 200k, so when I got my plushie pb then for 310k I thought was a rip off :P

Those were the days....

Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:50 am

stampsyne wrote:There has been many many new players since then. Demand has driven up the price. Have you priced morphing potions lately? On the other hand, more easily obtained items have deflated in value.

Potions...aren't they like 300k?

I'm very upset about the price inflation...dagnabbit, i want my 40k paintbrush!!!

Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:54 am

There are many more players and many more kinds of paint brushes now, and I don't think the chances of finding paint brushes has increased much if at all. I realized that since the chances haven't increased but the number of kinds of paintbrushes have, the number of each kind of paintbrush on neopets has dropped. That's why the prices of paint brushes won't ever drop unless TNT can make a new way to get them instead focusing on new ways to get people to use them and lose them.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:00 am

the one thing that bothered me was how expensive the simple paint brushes like white and brown have become. about a year ago, i bought my sister a white pb so her kougra could look like her stuffed kougra. i dont remember the price, but it was reasonable. her account was unfairly frozen a few months after that, and by that time white pb's prices had soared. oh well, it's inflation. can't do anything about it, even if it seems ridiculous

Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:06 am

CrewWolf wrote:There are many more players and many more kinds of paint brushes now, and I don't think the chances of finding paint brushes has increased much if at all. I realized that since the chances haven't increased but the number of kinds of paintbrushes have, the number of each kind of paintbrush on neopets has dropped. That's why the prices of paint brushes won't ever drop unless TNT can make a new way to get them instead focusing on new ways to get people to use them and lose them.

Yeah, maybe they can sell a different kind of pb in HT every month or so, to keept the prices down. But then you get problems of people hoarding them.... :(

Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:06 am

Yea, I painted one of my pets electric ages and ages ago. I don't remember what I paid for it, but I don't think it was much more than 60k or 70k. There's no way I could afford a paintbrush of any type beyond the basic colors (which is stupid because you could just make a new pet to get those colors) these days.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:19 am

Hypno Helmet

300 NP -> 4,000,000 NP

Tue Oct 26, 2004 7:51 am

OmniIcyshelf wrote:Hypno Helmet

300 NP -> 4,000,000 NP

Wow I should have joined earlier and bought all the hypno helmets back then :P

But I guess paintbrushes are so expensive because that's the thing all the newbie user want when they join neopets. And if you have millions of people asking for an item it's no wonder prices go up...

Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:00 am

Answer to why the faerie pb has risen so much - it has been retired.

Not only pbs have risen in price... almost everything has risen. Paint brushes have increased more since people are using them more.

Crewwolf - the chances of paint brushes appearing increases proportionately with the number of people on the site, since they come from random events, so your statement is not totally accurate.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:50 am

I remembered some reason I thought of why prices were rising. People buy items and sell them at higher prices, and then the main shops rise to accomadate. Then it happens again. As long as people use restocks to make their money, we're gonna get inflation. Money from games doesn't seem to effect it. Which is odd since that's the opposite of normal economy, where commerce is good for the economy and more money entering circulation causes inflation. Oh well.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:57 am

Qanda wrote:Answer to why the faerie pb has risen so much - it has been retired.

That irks me because, technically you can still get a Faerie Paint Brush, or any number of retired items from random events, and contests (caption competition, art competition). Technically you can get any retired item through a random event, provided it was given away in random events before it was retired. I've gotten a Lost Desert Paint Brush, some kind of Krawk Cracker, and all sorts of other goodies after they've been "retired".

Retiring the Faerie Paint Brush, one of the more popular and pretty colours, has probably hurt thousands of young girls (and a few boys as well). Sellers and hoarders are still smiling though.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:43 am

Quahog wrote:
Qanda wrote:Answer to why the faerie pb has risen so much - it has been retired.

That irks me because, technically you can still get a Faerie Paint Brush, or any number of retired items from random events, and contests (caption competition, art competition). Technically you can get any retired item through a random event, provided it was given away in random events before it was retired. I've gotten a Lost Desert Paint Brush, some kind of Krawk Cracker, and all sorts of other goodies after they've been "retired".

Retiring the Faerie Paint Brush, one of the more popular and pretty colours, has probably hurt thousands of young girls (and a few boys as well). Sellers and hoarders are still smiling though.

I've had to buy 3 faerie paint brushes for 1.8 Million. They sold in the hidden tower for 100k (6 times cheaper) a year ago.

I remember one time Hypno helms were about 2 Million. The next week they were 3 Million. Btw Hypno helms are retired unless you can obtain the space map. R101 now. Happened when the name was changed to h4000.

Well maybe you can start hoarding baby paint brushes. HT stocks never deplete but you can only buy once per day.

Btw can you get faerie paint brushes from the fruit machine? I heard you still can and sometimes 3 of them and 10k.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:43 pm

I remeber when orange paint brushes were 85k....
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