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People asking for the answer (not hints) to the MP

I think the original HINTS are as far as I would go
I would give a person more HINTS if they are polite
I think all HINTS are wrong
I MIGHT tell them the answer directly
Total votes : 22

People asking for the answer (not hints) to the MP

Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:54 pm

Since I have been active in PPT and looking for the answer to Mystery Pictures, I have had a few people say that the hints don't help and could I tell them directly the answer. I find it a bit :x since there are always GOOD hints, but it does take some work. So, who has an opinion?

Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:05 am

Well, it is unreasonable to ask for directly for answers, but some hints people give can be rather obscure and only makes sense to the hint-giver him/herself, since people think differently. So I'd give another more obvious hint to those who did not get the first one... but not any more.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:06 am

Yeah, I don't like the idea of giving the answer straight-out because its supposed to be a game and there is no competitiveness to it if everyone runs off to find someone to tell them the answer. Also, where is the sense of achievement in it? I probably give a few hints and perhaps answer subtle questions (who's answers don't give away the end result) if people are in need of help.

Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:04 am

i don't mind giving hints, i like the idea, since otherwise i would never have a chance.

but giving the answer straight out is wrong, some people work soo hard for the answer, the last one, i think alex when through heaps upon heaps of images, and really its not fair to beg the answer.

but hints are good. but i think if people give hints, they do have the right to make them hard, after all they put in the work, and they don't have to share the answer, its only because they're nice :)

asking for the answer straight, no. but if i came to someone with an image, and asked if that was what they got, i would like an answer, but i wouldn't be overly offended if they said they wouldn't help me.

Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:43 pm

I think hints are good... not the answers though obviously, but we are PPTers here and we help eachother (not with answers though! xP) but I don't think 'slipping out' the answer is right :(

Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:55 pm

I find that giving maybe a few more hints is OK but telling the person what the answer is is just wrong. This is because people work for these answers believe it or not and the same goes for Lenny Conundrum.

Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:43 pm

I think just giving the answer is wrong - it should require some work. However, sometime when you have the answer, a hint sounds obvious to you (because you know the answer!), but some people won't come from the same place - if someone is polite to me saying s/he just doesn't get it, I'll try to think of another hint or rephrasing of the original hint.

Tue Nov 23, 2004 9:20 pm

I think hints are fine, but I voted not to give them a hint.

If someone asked me politely for a hint, I would give them one. If someone asked me for the answer, no matter how politely they asked, I would give them nothing.
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