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Sidebar Skins--The Next Avatars?

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:31 am

In the news it states:

"Eventually there will be themes for you to collect, much the same way that avatars currently work."

As if the avatars aren't skyrocketing prices and driving people crazy, now this?


Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:31 am

TNT likes inflation.

Enough said.


The idea itself is very nice, though.. I would not mind a Chokato sidebar. <3

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:35 am

I don't think avatars are really worth it, but themes for the yelow sidebar, that sounds like it would be awesome, I will so start collecting them! :)

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:36 am

I think it'll be fun. Who cares if prices go high? It's still awesomely fun.

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:37 am

As long as they never make a sidebar collectors high score board I think I'll be alirght with it.

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:37 am

Well.....this is for sure: Themes>Avatars for it's more affectives. Besides, avatars are just small avatars....then again....nevermind.

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:40 am

I swear, if there's ONE, just ONE that you need a paint brush for, there will be murder...but you didn't hear that from me GOT IT? 0:)

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:45 am

Aaw I was hoping that the different skins were gonna be for different events and not controlled by the user.

Like, during December it would be all wintery, around Halloween we would have the spooky one, during March it would be GadGadsbogen, pet days would have pet ones, etc...

But I suppose the way they are doing it will be cool, as long as I get the ones I want :D

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:50 am

Personally...they shouldn't have any items involved or top-scores...just because these stuff will make people in the neoboards er....*thinks of word*

Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:54 am

simsman24000 wrote:I think it'll be fun. Who cares if prices go high? It's still awesomely fun.

People who want to paint their pets island or orange -- and can't because stupid avatars have inflated the prices -- would care.

I have the same viewpoint on this as I have on avatars. I don't mind if they're item-based as long as the items aren't useful. If they take TCG cards or stamps or furniture or food or even petpets, that's fine, because there are lots of other cards or stamps or couches or foods or petpets you can buy. But if I want to paint my pet a cool color and can't because there's some kind of sidebar pushing the pb and morphing potions -- the only non-lab way to change the color -- to 1mil+, there will be hell to pay!

Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:02 am

I personally don't like the idea, we already have a number of "collect them!" things and I don't know why we need more on Neo. Not only that but avatars have enough hype and cause enough problems as it is, why can't we just stick with them? I won't be collecting them.

Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:52 am

How can you show off what you have won? Avatars can be bragged about and flashed on the boards. The only person who can see the different layouts would be YOU, right?

Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:07 am

stampsyne wrote:How can you show off what you have won? Avatars can be bragged about and flashed on the boards. The only person who can see the different layouts would be YOU, right?

Well, that's a matter of pride. Can't something be for your own use and satisfaction, and not be used to show off or bragged about?

Cranberry wrote:
simsman24000 wrote:I think it'll be fun. Who cares if prices go high? It's still awesomely fun.

People who want to paint their pets island or orange -- and can't because stupid avatars have inflated the prices -- would care.

I have the same viewpoint on this as I have on avatars. I don't mind if they're item-based as long as the items aren't useful. If they take TCG cards or stamps or furniture or food or even petpets, that's fine, because there are lots of other cards or stamps or couches or foods or petpets you can buy. But if I want to paint my pet a cool color and can't because there's some kind of sidebar pushing the pb and morphing potions -- the only non-lab way to change the color -- to 1mil+, there will be hell to pay!

Good point. :P

Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:08 am

Cranberry wrote:
simsman24000 wrote:I think it'll be fun. Who cares if prices go high? It's still awesomely fun.

People who want to paint their pets island or orange -- and can't because stupid avatars have inflated the prices -- would care.

I have the same viewpoint on this as I have on avatars. I don't mind if they're item-based as long as the items aren't useful. If they take TCG cards or stamps or furniture or food or even petpets, that's fine, because there are lots of other cards or stamps or couches or foods or petpets you can buy. But if I want to paint my pet a cool color and can't because there's some kind of sidebar pushing the pb and morphing potions -- the only non-lab way to change the color -- to 1mil+, there will be hell to pay!

I wholeheartedly agree. I was very much into collecting them back when there was still a top 200 hundred list for me to be on. But the kauavara avatar was one of the worst ideas in the history of the site. It once was that you could buy the cheapest morphing potions for 3k, and most were under 20k. Nowadays, with the mutant av inflating transmogs, you can spend 40k to own a pteri and 80k for anything else. Labbing, one of the most addictive things on the site, got a whole lot less fun after that. I have a pet that I adore and am trying to turn Maraquan. I spent 80k for a potion that would have cost me 10 before the av only to have him change species 2 days later. Paintbrush prices were horribly inflated as is, but nearly 1 million np for orange? That's just ridiculous.

Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:43 am

stampsyne wrote:How can you show off what you have won? Avatars can be bragged about and flashed on the boards. The only person who can see the different layouts would be YOU, right?

maybe the way to show them off will be in lookups?

personally, I wouldn't mind collecting them, since I don't really spend money collecting avatars either. And if I don't like a theme, then why get it? For example, if they released a mutant theme, I would probably never use it. But, if they release an island theme it will be in my top five priorities to get it.
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