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Password Error

Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:50 am

I signed up for a new account. I logged out. I tried to log back in and got this message:

That username/password combination is invalid. Either click here to log in as a different user or sign up and get an account at our signup page.

I thought that was very strange. So I requested the password be sent to me. It arrived. It was exactly the same as the one I had entered. I tried copy-and-pasting it but I still got the same error.

Do you think the problem might be that the account name I used belonged to someone else before? And somehow their old password is still in the database somewhere?

Sun Oct 17, 2004 10:44 am

clear your cookies and try again, maybe you accidently typed your username wrong.

if it still fails, try mailing support, but make sure you aren't with gmail, which apparently is having problems with recieving mail from neopets, but don't hold your breath, i'm missing a gruslen avv and its 138 days old now, and i mailed them the instant i failed to get it. maybe they would be better with an account, i dunno. good luck :)

Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:42 pm

sounds sill, but when you cut n past ... make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or the end of the special word.

autechre gave the best advice. Clear your cache!
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