For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:46 am
Considering we have a 'joke' thread about the World/Pet Central Updates, I figured we can have a thread with actual ideas for each page.
My ideas:
I wouldn't mind them adding a link to the personal page of each Neopet in Pet Central. It would make sense considering each page is about a specific Neopet.
Last edited by
Ammer on Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:57 am
Ammer wrote:Considering we have a 'joke' thread about the World/Pet Central Updates I figured we can have a thread with actual ideas for each page.
My ideas:
I wouldn't mind them adding a link to the personal page of each Neopet in Pet Central. It would make sense considering each page is about a specific Neopet.
By personal page, do you mean the pages like the Gelert page they released today? If so, it would make a lot of sense...
I mean, does anyone know how to find them otherwise?
One thing I'd like to see is them making the Pet Central page a little less cluttered (perhaps through some strategic use of flash menu bars?).
I also think it would be a good idea if they could give us quick access to our pets through the main Pet Central page. I'm not talking about giving us a full list of stats, etc - but perhaps making it easier for us to change our active pet (it would mean only going to the main Pet Central page, rather than to the Quick Ref page) and petpets?
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:08 am
I would like to see how many users are on the site right now sort of thing, if they could do it.
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:22 am
I'd like to see how many users are signed up under each age group
it would be totaly false due to the fact many underage say they are over 13 to be able to use neomail but still would be interesting
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:25 am
Lady Night wrote:I'd like to see how many users are signed up under each age group
it would be totaly false due to the fact many underage say they are over 13 to be able to use neomail but still would be interesting
I'd love to see that...especially with all of the continued "Adult's can't play" and "You're just all immature children" debates between the adults and the kids.
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:27 am
Well I had an idea for pet central. When first creating a pet, you should have a new area you go to. There should be a building on the screen to click on. Then you go into the building and see a special charactor. It can be a faerie or some other new charactor. She or He guides you in creating your pet.
He or She: Welcome to Pet Central My name is ___ and I an here to guide you in creating your perfect pet! There are currently 49 different pets to choose from! Do you want an energetic gelert or a laid-back skeith? If you cick on the picture of each pet you can read more about them! Once you have chosen the type of pet you want, you can go into the back and get an egg! (Yes, all neopets hatch from eggs!)
You enter the eggery!
Welcome to the eggery! This is a very special place that houses all the neopet eggs! Click on a door 1-49 to see what we have!
Some neopets such as Krawks and Draiks are very rare, so there may not be any eggs.
You go into a door and see a room full of red, blue, green, and yellow eggs. You can choose one. Sometimes, but very rarely, you might find another color egg, like darigan!
You choose an egg and name your pet.
Yes, all this is more time consuming, but also more interesting! It makes you feel like you are actually choosing an egg and naming your pet and all that. You get to see it being born! Creating a pet should be more fun!
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:34 am
smudgeoffudge wrote:Well I had an idea for pet central. When first creating a pet, you should have a new area you go to. There should be a building on the screen to click on. Then you go into the building and see a special charactor. It can be a faerie or some other new charactor. She or He guides you in creating your pet.
He or She: Welcome to Pet Central My name is ___ and I an here to guide you in creating your perfect pet! There are currently 49 different pets to choose from! Do you want an energetic gelert or a laid-back skeith? If you cick on the picture of each pet you can read more about them! Once you have chosen the type of pet you want, you can go into the back and get an egg! (Yes, all neopets hatch from eggs!)
You enter the eggery!
Welcome to the eggery! This is a very special place that houses all the neopet eggs! Click on a door 1-49 to see what we have!
Some neopets such as Krawks and Draiks are very rare, so there may not be any eggs.
You go into a door and see a room full of red, blue, green, and yellow eggs. You can choose one. Sometimes, but very rarely, you might find another color egg, like darigan!
You choose an egg and name your pet.
Yes, all this is more time consuming, but also more interesting! It makes you feel like you are actually choosing an egg and naming your pet and all that. You get to see it being born! Creating a pet should be more fun!
Oh! Yes, that's a great idea. From your idea, I'm assuming you want the Draiks and Krawks to be createable, without buying those expensive Draik Eggs/Petpets/Morphing Potions/Transmogrification Potions?
Another good idea would be how many of each color of pet there is. For example (This is totally random...) Coconut Jubjubs: 100. I don't know if there are really that many, but see? What if you wanted to know how many there actually were?
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:35 am
smudgeoffudge wrote:Well I had an idea for pet central. When first creating a pet, you should have a new area you go to. There should be a building on the screen to click on. Then you go into the building and see a special charactor. It can be a faerie or some other new charactor. She or He guides you in creating your pet.
He or She: Welcome to Pet Central My name is ___ and I an here to guide you in creating your perfect pet! There are currently 49 different pets to choose from! Do you want an energetic gelert or a laid-back skeith? If you cick on the picture of each pet you can read more about them! Once you have chosen the type of pet you want, you can go into the back and get an egg! (Yes, all neopets hatch from eggs!)
You enter the eggery!
Welcome to the eggery! This is a very special place that houses all the neopet eggs! Click on a door 1-49 to see what we have!
Some neopets such as Krawks and Draiks are very rare, so there may not be any eggs.
You go into a door and see a room full of red, blue, green, and yellow eggs. You can choose one. Sometimes, but very rarely, you might find another color egg, like darigan!
You choose an egg and name your pet.
Yes, all this is more time consuming, but also more interesting! It makes you feel like you are actually choosing an egg and naming your pet and all that. You get to see it being born! Creating a pet should be more fun!
Awesome idea! I love it. However, I don't think there should be any other colour of egg aside from the four basic colours. For the Grundo's, they can click on the Grundo Egg and get sent to the Virtupets Space Station area where you create Grundo's. It doesn't make sense as to why there is a secondary place for Grundo's to be created.
Elurial wrote:By personal page, do you mean the pages like the Gelert page they released today? If so, it would make a lot of sense...
Yup, I was referring to that. On a side note, I loved the Gelert in the 'Click To Adopt Me' button.
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:37 am
smudgeoffudge wrote:
You go into a door and see a room full of red, blue, green, and yellow eggs. You can choose one. Sometimes, but very rarely, you might find another color egg, like darigan!
Although I like that idea with a sorta guide taking you through steps to creating a pet....
The last line of the quote... nuh uh.
I mean look at all the abandoned pets already that people make and then right after put up for adoption.
Just think if there was a chance of them getting a rare color pet... they'd keep creating and keep abandoning until they got one. (i know there's a time limit on abandoning a pet.. but that really wouldn't slow people who would do that down.)
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:40 am
I think that the creation process for neopets should be more intereactive. I think that krawks and draiks should remain rare. They should still have their own creation room, in cause neopets wants to release some eggs, though. From time to time in each room their should be some rare colored eggs.
Q: Where do neopet eggs come from?
A: The white Lenny brings the eggs down land...
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:44 am
Just some thoughts.. we don't really need a link to the help page on the world page (top right) and if we could have maybe a descriptive page on all the places in neopia... fulfilling world?
Sorta like a page on the lost desert, with characters that have come from there (links to neopedia articles) and plot lines ?
The Current Compettions bit should be made into a whole link going to a page with all the trophies so not only can we see hwat they look like it'd be easier to find the compettion which we want

(maybe a search bar? with help things on how to win each compettion)
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:47 am
How are we going to submit our suggestions? In Requests, with the Brief Title or Description being: Pet Central and World Pages?
(Yes, I am serious about submitting my idea...)
Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:52 am
With Pet Central, I wish it were set up somewhat like the Premium Portal.
- Ther could be a small section for some New Feature headlines/Game of the Day
- Something that shows recent Neomails / if you have any new ons
- Some of the userful/daily links
- Small setup for your active pet
Not all of the other things see in the current setup of the portal
Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:01 am
Well, as it is, I never had a problem with the world page or pet central. I guess some links could change or they could add some more interesting artwork. Other than that, I feel they can better use their time to make more plots and such. We need a plot! We need a war or logic game or something going on. They can redraw the lost desert and the main map, like they said they would. They can work on adding things to brighvale or making another world.
Beneathia: This land exists under the ground! It was created by some engineering young symols who wanted to branch out on their warren. Realizing that there is plenty of space under the ground, they decided to make their own world! Bring a torch, it gets a bit dark under the ground. I hope you aren't afraid of enclosed places!
Underground Food Shop: Roots, Fungus, bugs, and more Roots! Not much else is found under the ground. But you'd be surprised what kinds of delicious foods they make!
Underground Spring: Bubbling up from far below, this spring brings minerals up from the ground. You can get a free drink every day. It's only water, but hey, at least it is free! If you get lucky, maybe it will heal your pet.
Underground Weaponry: Magic dirt, Magic rocks, ect.
Anything else that seems like it would belong under the ground is found in Beaneathia...
Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:08 am
Neopets Addict wrote:I would like to see how many users are on the site right now sort of thing, if they could do it.
I could have sworn TNT did that long ago. I remember when I would go to the chat page and they would tell how many user has signed in at that second. I used to get n-mailed a lot back then.
It was right under a huge "Wall of Shame" image.
I think TNT should just make a Spotlight and Contest page to split up Current Competitions, though that link kinda does what I was thinking.
Just make it a little easier.
Need to get rid of the Kyrii linking to the BC cause it's listed on the links just a little more down on the page. I'm not againest the Kyrii, just the link being there twice on the page.
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