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Why are so many people getting frozen lately?

Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:22 am

You will recogniz ethese two people if your on EMS


Why were they frozen? I have seen some wonderful threads by kiki, and I was a friend of kobras. I guess some of his boards got kinda racy, but he never was. The OTHER posters were.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:23 am

:| all i can say is i hope i dont get iceD...i havent done anything rong though

Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:24 am

So far I have only gotten 3 or 4 warnings, and I hope it stays that way.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:47 pm


He wasn't being that racy. Foamy and the other posters were. --;

I hope I don't get frozed, I was a good friend of Kobra's. (Chibi Naru) I've only gotten, like, six warnings. Sigh. Hey, at least my neopoints are safe in the EMS fund.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:49 pm

If they post regularly on the Neoboards than this might've triggered their freezing. If they posted on a board that was deleted or the author was frozen, they might've been frozen because of that. If they simply sweared a lot and were all 'big and bad' than it's no suprise they were frozen.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:03 pm

Ammer wrote:If they post regularly on the Neoboards than this might've triggered their freezing. If they posted on a board that was deleted or the author was frozen, they might've been frozen because of that. If they simply sweared a lot and were all 'big and bad' than it's no suprise they were frozen.

Kobra had an ego, sure. He didn't act "big and bad" though.

And the self-freezing of "shadtastic" aside, I have never been frozen. I go on the Neoboards EVERY DAY.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:09 pm

Same here, and I have been here 8 months. He wasnt racy but his friends talked about drugs and shmex alot. Not me, I was the youngest. 10.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:13 pm

If you really want to stay defrosted, don't use the NeoBoards. Anyone who uses them regularly is going to get iced, whether they break the rules or not. Life's not fair. And hey, isn't that what PPT is for?

Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:36 pm

Naniwai wrote:If you really want to stay defrosted, don't use the NeoBoards. Anyone who uses them regularly is going to get iced, whether they break the rules or not. Life's not fair. And hey, isn't that what PPT is for?

Well I have friends on the boards, and my account isnt that good. Plus I have a backup of my screenies on my computer.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:37 pm

br00ster wrote:Well I have friends on the boards, and my account isnt that good. Plus I have a backup of my screenies on my computer.

Problem is that it isn't always a guarantee that you'll get your account back on the basis of a screeny. You see, Neopets honestly doesn't care if your account is frozen or even more importantly WHY. And you don't have to even DO anything wrong to get frozen. I've been trying for over a year now to get my account back, and.. Nada. *shrugs* Life goes on. I'm not on Neopets as much, and I sure as heck don't buy the merchandise.

And yes, if he started the thread, then more than likely they froze him for the contents after his original post. That's the way this game works, I'm seeing.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:43 pm

raudf wrote:
br00ster wrote:Well I have friends on the boards, and my account isnt that good. Plus I have a backup of my screenies on my computer.

Problem is that it isn't always a guarantee that you'll get your account back on the basis of a screeny. You see, Neopets honestly doesn't care if your account is frozen or even more importantly WHY. And you don't have to even DO anything wrong to get frozen. I've been trying for over a year now to get my account back, and.. Nada. *shrugs* Life goes on. I'm not on Neopets as much, and I sure as heck don't buy the merchandise.

And yes, if he started the thread, then more than likely they froze him for the contents after his original post. That's the way this game works, I'm seeing.

i I dont think my screenies will get anything back, what I meant was that I dont have anything to lose. The only thing Ihave thats important to me besides my pets (but they are only peices of code...) is my screenies, and I dont have to worry about losing all the screenies on my pets page.

Kobra was usally pretty appropriate, it was the other posters on his board.

Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:42 am

You are so right. I lost 4 friends to ice-land.....just this afternoon. O_o

Wow. o_O

Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:43 am

Did he get into fights a lot? Then that's the reason.

Tue Oct 05, 2004 5:17 am

No. Only the occasional fight.

Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:29 am

3 people on my neofriend list since the weekend ... I haven't tried to log in to see why yet. It's just so depressing and maddening, depending on what the reason given is.
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