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to all of those users who have had bad luck...

Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:23 pm


All topscorers are cheetahs. Neopets is all about the benjamins. They breed a constant need for neopoints, for avatars, for stamps. Anything for inflation. So people spend more time on the game. So neopets get more money from their sponsors. McDonalds, Disney. All one happy commercial global family. Neopets doesn't care about anyone. Unfair freezings, glitches. Unless you're rich and powerful they don't want to know your name.

Just be a happy consumer. Give them lots of pageviews, that’s what they want. In all the years I have been on neopets there has never been more advertisement than there is now. And yet for some reason the site is working worse than ever. Constant downtime. The dreaded red pteri of doom. Glitches en masse. Why do they spend all their advertisement revenue on things like ps2 games and expansion packs? Why don’t they spend the money on making the site work properly? On hiring staff to take care of unfair freezings? Why is it that making money is so much more important than us players are? Go to any web board about neopets and you’ll immediately hear plenty of stories about people getting unfairly frozen. And most people never even get even a single reply from neopets about it. They have their artists work overtime so they can release a new plot or a new card game, why can’t they work overtime on eliminating glitches and server downtime? Why can't they work overtime on addressing player's problems? Whatever happened to neoschools? Neopets is becoming one long list of broken promises, glitches and screwed-up priorities.

The sad thing is that Neopets needs the cheetahs. Cheetahs make many multiple accounts. Cheetas ensure many pageviews. If there were no cheetahs then Neopets couldn’t brag to the sponsors about how many accounts and how many pageviews they got. It’s very important for Neopets to get many hits. That’s why they do something like the McDonalds promotion. They know they will get a ton of new members. Do they care that the site can’t handle that many new members? No. As long as people sign up then of course they can tolerate the red pteri of doom. They still count in the statistics. We are all consumers.

(See the full text for details of Neopets' new ISP service and Glophone privacy issues)

Money talks. Soon you can pay for a premium Neopets account ( and you'll get more random events, more avatars, more neopoints. It wouldn't surprise me if paying members also got better service, like staff responding to emails or getting items back when they're lost in glitches. If you truly want to enjoy Neopets then you better get your credit card ready. Or start pestering your parents. We're going to have a Neopets society divided in two classes: Free Users and Paying Users. The rich and the poor. And the rich will keep getting richer because they're paying for extra benefits.

Long live the mighty dollar! Long live the mighty neopoint! Don't forget, this is all about competition and addiction.

Email me at if you have comments. Also consider signing this petition: .. My profile will get frozen soon. But don't worry, I'll be be back ;)

I found this profile on neopets while looking at the top scorers for destructo match ii. It kinda make you feel like it is all true doesnt it? Not that im fully endorsing it or anything... but, it kinda makes you think about it. ~:>

Edit: if any of you are starting to feel miserable about any of it for any reason, sorry, i just thought it was interesting so i posted it. :(

Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:36 pm

It is true though, they choose not to hire more support staff for users, and they really only seem to care about the most elite players in glitches.

Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:37 pm

I've seen that before - pretty much if not exactly the same wording, except I don't remember seeing that little thing about the ISP and glophone privacy. Which should be of some concern. Anyway, it's probably the same person who posted it before. And I'm sure they will be frozen (again?).

But we all know these types of things don't work - petitions online, webpages, etc. And emailing a stranger? I don't think so.

Perhaps if people are that unhappy, disgruntled, angry, upset, etc., writing a real snail mail letter politely and clearly stating what they feel is good and bad and suggestions on changes would probably get a better response or at least get someone's attention. Would it change anything? Who knows.

I wish them luck, but if anyone is so unhappy that they're going to put something like that on their lookup or petpage then they really should just quit ... tell their friends why they think they should leave, whatever. Someone's lookup is not going to change Neopets.

Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:44 pm

If they have that message AND they're on the topscore list, they're officially an idiot. :D Or at least a big fat hypocrite. :D

EDIT: >_< Supid emoticons!
Last edited by Fishblade_Bluestream on Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:48 pm

Fishblade_Bluestream wrote:If they have that message AND they're on the topscore list, they're officially an idiot. :D Or at least a big fat hypocrite. :D

actually i think they got that high on the score lists so that more people would notice.

Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:51 pm

I didn't know that there were cheetahs playing neopets! :o Wow, I'm sure that penguins will be the next target group! :D :lol: :roflol:

Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:54 pm

or maybe *gasp* the turtles!

Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:13 am

Fishblade_Bluestream wrote:If they have that message AND they're on the topscore list, they're officially an idiot. :D Or at least a big fat hypocrite. :D

EDIT: >_< Supid emoticons!

they're top scorers of many games, not just one. i think they know much about microsoft flash so they are able to "break into" the games so many times and TNT cant do anything to stop this, like re-coding the games.

and they created these accounts not to play neopets, but just for petition.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 9:37 am

Fishblade_Bluestream wrote:If they have that message AND they're on the topscore list, they're officially an idiot. :D Or at least a big fat hypocrite. :D

Or maybe. Just maybe, you don't get it :D

Sun Sep 19, 2004 9:44 am


People don't really make a good impression when they use 'words' like "cheetahs".

Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:13 pm

Stijn wrote:*cheaters

People don't really make a good impression when they use 'words' like "cheetahs".

If you look at the petition page itself you'll see the difference.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:31 pm

Why do they spend all their advertisement revenue on things like ps2 games and expansion packs? Why don’t they spend the money on making the site work properly?

I disagree with the above statement. How could he expect Neopets to spend more money on maintaining the site and not work on revenue-generating activities? There is no free lunch in this world; if we want Neopets to remain free, we must tolerate the advertisements they display and the merchandise they advertise. We can't expect them to spend all their money on the site for nothing in return, right?

Furthermore, the advertisements they display are fairly unobstrusive compared to most sites, and they are mostly incorporated into the game itself. We are not coerced into buying their merchandise, and those who choose to do so do not receive any overly unfair advantage either, just a few items of average value. Lastly, the site breakdowns are not too frequent to become a nuisance, maybe 1-2 times in a week, which is reasonable for a site of this magnitude.

Therefore I conclude that the above player is asking too much from a free game site like Neopets.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:31 pm

Petitions. Psshh. No one listens to those petitions! Only people like P.I.T.A are stupid enough to make petitions. It's their choice. If they want to take down the site, it's their choice.

But then again, they DID promise us....

But still. Their choice.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:31 pm

I wrote a nice long post and IE closed on me... :x

But what I ment to write in short is that if you don't like what's going on on the site, then don't play it. It's right that there are lots of merchendicing in the site, but without it, there wil be no site! It is unfair the you have to pay to get a better quality site, with a couple of additions, but if you don't support it, then don't play the game. And remeber, it's a game...

Sun Sep 19, 2004 3:11 pm

hyperflutterby wrote:I didn't know that there were cheetahs playing neopets! :o Wow, I'm sure that penguins will be the next target group! :D :lol: :roflol:

:O noes! The penguins love me!
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