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The Dissapearing Act....

Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:57 pm

Let's get this story on the road!

First of all, I was going to do my daily Jhudora's Quest (I am on #26). I went to go search for the item. About half of the stores were gone! :o So, of course, I had to pay 10,000 more. :roll:

TNT, are you SURE you're working on the site more now? Forget Mall Tours, WORK ON THE SITE AND GET RID OF THE GLITCHES!! (No, this is not a petition..)

I thought this shop thing was fixed...?

Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:22 pm

Who really knows these days. Everything is glitchy. Maybe one day... someway... somehow... somewhere... we'll all get free muffins.
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