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Ugh. Shops where you can't buy.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:39 pm

Everyone loves adding codes and so on to their shops, and I can understand that, but I've noticed several user shops now that are so messed up that you can't buy anything. All the item pictures are off to the side, for example, or separated from their labels, and sometimes you can't click on them.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Try viewing the shop of beachboy92. There are 5 frost motes for sale. I know they're really there and not a scam because I found this shop a moment ago searching for 'frost mote' in Shopwiz. Due to the weird code or something, there is no link when you click on the picture of the item! There is no way to purchase it! Now, I'm sure this user didn't make it this way on purpose; perhaps he has a different browser than I do, and it's only messed up when I view it.

My point is, maybe Neopets should limit how much people can change their shops, to make sure for the sake of both the shop owner and the potential customer that the shop is useable.

That's the end of my little rant. :P

Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:46 pm

And while they're at it, they should remove music, sounds, and animated backrounds as well.

I'm also tired of seeing these 'malls' with huge banners advertising the other shops in their 'mall'. Something should be done to limit pictures as well.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:51 pm

:P They shouldn't limit the pictures or music, etc. There would be an outbreak of complains from people.

lyke ong i onlee pleyed nopits 2 luk @ me shep!!1!!! n 2 decuraet et!!1!!!!!!1

Tue Aug 24, 2004 7:26 pm

I think that other then the basic shop things, you should be limited to:

-A background *non animated*
-Neopets Animations
-Neopets Related Links *to guilds, galleries, or a friend's shop.*

But music, bright flashy animations and other pictures really arent needed....


Tue Aug 24, 2004 7:29 pm

Aww I like music. =P But I could certainly live with out it. -__-

Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:17 pm

I agree except for the NeoPets animations. Some shops go waaaay overboard with even those!

Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:43 pm

Yep. they should stick to something simple like mine :D A nice cool quick loading kraftwerk midi and one image... simple and nice.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:00 pm

I don't care how cheap the items are -- if I go into a shop and it either takes forever to load because of moving images, has a horrible background that's so bright and flashy (or dark) that I can barely see what's for sale, or starts playing music, I hit my back button and buy from the seller with the next-to-lowest price. I'd bet a lot of people do the same thing.

I wish they would at least ban midi files. I don't need some horrid elevator-music version of a 50 Cent song blaring at me when I'm trying to listen to my own music.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:03 pm

I hate shops with big flashy backgrounds, music, like 50000000 Neopet fun images, guild advertisment, premade curors, those girly dolls, the ever chaning rose........UGH! Get rid of them all! :x

I went to a shop like the one above, and I don't even buy from there. Its not worth my time.

Re: Ugh. Shops where you can't buy.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:04 pm

auriya wrote:Everyone loves adding codes and so on to their shops, and I can understand that, but I've noticed several user shops now that are so messed up that you can't buy anything. All the item pictures are off to the side, for example, or separated from their labels, and sometimes you can't click on them.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Try viewing the shop of beachboy92. There are 5 frost motes for sale. I know they're really there and not a scam because I found this shop a moment ago searching for 'frost mote' in Shopwiz. Due to the weird code or something, there is no link when you click on the picture of the item! There is no way to purchase it! Now, I'm sure this user didn't make it this way on purpose; perhaps he has a different browser than I do, and it's only messed up when I view it.

My point is, maybe Neopets should limit how much people can change their shops, to make sure for the sake of both the shop owner and the potential customer that the shop is useable.

That's the end of my little rant. :P

I had that exact same trouble last night! I was getting something for a quest and I couldn't buy the item! Yet I KNOW the item in there was real because I found it on the wizard, it really bothered me because it was an Illusen quest. Luckily it wasn't something difficult to find. Still, it really bothers me that people can do that. I keep my shop very simple because I want my stuff to sell.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:09 pm

How's my shop? It's not bad, is it? Username is the same as my name here.=P

Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:58 pm

Fishblade, I like that it doesn't have a background, but the music is a turn-off. Every time I go to a shop with music, I just hit the back button because I can't stand the annoying (and usually too loud) midi file drowning out whatever's playing on my winamp.

Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:19 am

Looks like somebody bought one of those mote, because there's only 4 now. :o

Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:29 am

toad wrote:Looks like somebody bought one of those mote, because there's only 4 now. :o

HOW???? It's not a link! And gah... no, this is pointless. If they banned certain things from shops, all it would do is tick off players who /won't/ quit, but.. they will just whine about it on the neoboards.

Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:35 am

That wouldn't bother me one bit -- I avoid the neoboards, too. ;)
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