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Anyone gotten pleads like this? :/

Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:18 am

I have a Gooey Chocolate Grarrl for trade, hoping to sell for at least 10k, or maybe a couple k higher...I got a neomail like this:

"i was wonderin if u would accept anything under 12k for the Gooey Chocolate Grarrl because i only have 632 np and i need it for a quest. its only worth 400 something like that and i could even give you a petpet too, but the only 1 i have is an abominable snowball thing..."

o.o I don't mean to be rude, they really exect me to give it up for less than 1k? Maybe it sounds selfish, but I don't want to not make profit...o.O if that makes sense

Or maybe I didn't comprehend the neomail properly? o.O

Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:37 am

Just explain nicely that the item is worth 10k. I think this is probably a newbie, and he/she might have the impression that the item is only worth 400 np because of those (totally inaccurate) "price estimates" Neopets puts in item data. Also explain that most quests are not worth doing if they cost this much. If the person keeps asking for the item even after you've explained, block him/her.


Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:08 am


Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:19 am

yeah, i had received some very polite neomails asking to lend stuff from my shop for avs. i remembered that one of them was so long (essay legth) and polite that i find it hard not to at least reply politely that i am not lending stuff (even though my lookup has already said so)

Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:59 am

i get those all the times just say no its worth more than that or ignore them..

Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:07 am

For these kinds of situation, I usually politely reply them the person once, then block/ignore if they remain stubborn on getting my item cheap. (PLEEEZE, I REALLY REALLY THAT ITEM!!1!1 PLZ GIVE IT TO ME!!1!)

Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:11 am

I get stuff like this all of the time. Ignore it. And, hopefully, they will go away.

I buy and sell neggs and faeries and such and I will never forget the one email I got from some little smarty-pants that said "You have 21 faeries, give me 5." Not a please, or poor me, or anything like that, but a bold "give me." Needless to say, she didn't get a thing from me!

EDIT: And, I just remembered the poor me scam that I fell for a few weeks back. I had a newly released rarity 90 plushie in my shop for 60K. Some girl wrote asking if she could have it for 50K. I was in a good mood and decided to split the difference and let her have it for 55K. I then go to the trouble to put in my trades reserved for her. Then I get this poor me sob story about how she only has 51K and could she have it for that. I should have said no right then and there, but felt bad for her, so I said yes.

We complete the trade and, silly me, I ask her what she is going to do with the plushie. She says play with my pets and then sell it. She then puts it up for 99,999, thinking that it will sell quickly because it is a newly released plushie. Guess what? That was weeks ago and she still hasn't sold it. Going rate is now 25K. I guess she didn't realize that rarity 90 plushies plummet in value very quickly.

I still did OK, since I had bought it for 20K. But the fact that she pulled the wool over my eyes and made me feel sorry for her irks the heck out of me.

Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:21 am

sorry, but i find begging of any kind to be unacceptable. anyone can save up 10k playing games for two hours. no one has to be so poor on neopets that they have to beg. neopets is a game of patience, and people who beg aren't playing the game properly. period.

i'd politely tell them to check the shop wiz for the average price of your item, and explain that you won't sell it for any less. tell them the game is played by EARNING points to spend.

neobeggars really get on my nerves. so much time wasted neomailing you for a handout (and selling an item at a tenth of its worth is a handout, in my opinion) when they could have been playing a game or two (which is more fun, by the way) and getting the NP to buy it fair and square.

Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:23 am

skizzy the wonder lizard wrote:sorry, but i find begging of any kind to be unacceptable. anyone can save up 10k playing games for two hours. no one has to be so poor on neopets that they have to beg. neopets is a game of patience, and people who beg aren't playing the game properly. period.

i'd politely tell them to check the shop wiz for the average price of your item, and explain that you won't sell it for any less. tell them the game is played by EARNING points to spend.

neobeggars really get on my nerves. so much time wasted neomailing you for a handout (and selling an item at a tenth of its worth is a handout, in my opinion) when they could have been playing a game or two (which is more fun, by the way) and getting the NP to buy it fair and square.

As cruel as it sounds, I have to agree. I mean, it's not a life or death situation... rather, it's begging for items which others have actually worked for. It's akin to someone begging for a BMW because they need a car sometimes. I only lend/give items to Neofriends, and even then my Neofriends are people I actually know.

Oh, and Morningstar... I'm thinking that person won't be begging for a while after that little misadventure :evil:

Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:54 pm

I'd tell them to play some games and sell all their stuff. With determination you can make 10k very quickly...

But don't feel obliged to sell it them really cheap. Since they should learn not to take quests when they have a tiny amount of np. I learned the hard way... :/

Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:49 pm

jxpop wrote:Oh, and Morningstar... I'm thinking that person won't be begging for a while after that little misadventure :evil:

Agreed. I let her have it after I realized that she had "duped" me--using "Neopian-correct" language, of course. Then I wrote her a week later and kind of rubbed it in her face.

A lesson learned--both for her and for me. I usually don't give in to beggary and such--she just seemed so sweet and sincere. Evil little wench. I'd hate to see what she is like in real life.

Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:10 pm

I also had lots of begs and such. I usually just tell them that I worked hard for what I have, and they should to, and not ask people for the items, nothing comes that easily...
Or I just block them :evil:

Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:18 pm

Morningstar wrote:EDIT: And, I just remembered the poor me scam that I fell for a few weeks back. I had a newly released rarity 90 plushie in my shop for 60K. Some girl wrote asking if she could have it for 50K. I was in a good mood and decided to split the difference and let her have it for 55K. I then go to the trouble to put in my trades reserved for her. Then I get this poor me sob story about how she only has 51K and could she have it for that. I should have said no right then and there, but felt bad for her, so I said yes.

We complete the trade and, silly me, I ask her what she is going to do with the plushie. She says play with my pets and then sell it. She then puts it up for 99,999, thinking that it will sell quickly because it is a newly released plushie. Guess what? That was weeks ago and she still hasn't sold it. Going rate is now 25K. I guess she didn't realize that rarity 90 plushies plummet in value very quickly.

I still did OK, since I had bought it for 20K. But the fact that she pulled the wool over my eyes and made me feel sorry for her irks the heck out of me.

Dont think your the only one whos goten something like that. I bough a cloud paint brush back when it was 150k so that I cloud rise inflation and make a nice little profit. So when they reached 250k I put it up into my trades to sell. Well, this person neomails telling me they only have 225k, but they've been saving up forever and no one will sell them the paint brush and they really really want to paint their pet cloud. I say, nope, I wont go that low, but if they up 10k I'll let them have it for 235k because they seemed like this was the thing they wanted most in the world.

Soon enough they neomail me saying they played games and sold stocks and now had 235k, so I sold them the paintbrush. So then I look up their account two hours later to see what pet they painted, but none of them where cloud. And then I looked in their trades, and low and behold there was a cloud paint brush with a description saying "No lower than 260k". But thats not all, there were tons of other paint brushes, at least ten, and they had given me the "I'm so poor, I've never had a paint brush before" routine.

I dont think they relize this, but what people are when they do this is scamming

scammer n : a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud

This person cheated me of 15k by lying to me and telling me they had less than they had.

Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:40 pm

Grr :x I see this kind of thing all the time on the boards too. Same type of wording in a post...I need or want such and such for a quest, etc. but I don't have that much np. And goes on to plead for someone to either "donate" or sell for next to nothing the item they want.

The difference is, there may be 1 or 2 people who will reply saying sure, there's more people who reply saying no, earn it yourself, calling them scammers (it can get harsh)...

I don't do it. Period. If someone "needs" something that bad, they'll earn the np like the rest of us. And I always tell someone who needs something for a quest that if they can't afford it to not do the quest. Seems like brain tree (almost never worth it) quests are the ones most people come abegging on the boards for.

If I'm neomailed, especially on my gallery account, with a plea, beg, request, etc. to sell something cheap, I just delete and block. I figure 99% of the time it's just somebody who wants something cheap, thinks I'm rich (Ha ha) and I'll be an easy target for a sob story. I used to reply politely saying no, then I'd start getting angry "you're so mean"... mail.

Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:03 pm

i've never gotten a begger before but that's probably since i have nothing worth anything in trades or anything. beggers are one of the most effective scams out there since people feel sorry for them and they aren't begging for your account or anything. if i was approached by a begger, i'd act like i'm poor and i have no more money. or, i'd block them with no response
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