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Kougra update "Update"

Thu Aug 19, 2004 2:15 am

Kougra Update Update - Just so you know we are almost there with the final design, just finishing off a few last minute tweaks. It should be released towards the end of this week.

I'm getting excited. I can't wait to see the new looks and all. I hope its not too cutesy.

Perhaps it looks something like the TCG cards? Their "Cute" in body and stuff, but their faces are a bit more mature.


Thu Aug 19, 2004 2:20 am

I was excited. Then hope was lost because they said it would be done early last week. But a little hope is still left. I hope it looks like the TCG too.

Re: Kougra update "Update"

Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:01 am

Selunca wrote:Image

My Kougra! *huggles it*

I've seen that as the "ideal Kougra revamp" all through this. I really hope they've considered it while they have redrawn it. I personally think that the more time they take on redesigning the best it can be, I'm willing to wait.

Re: Kougra update "Update"

Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:30 am

Runevalkyrie wrote:
Selunca wrote:Image

My Kougra! *huggles it*

I've seen that as the "ideal Kougra revamp" all through this. I really hope they've considered it while they have redrawn it. I personally think that the more time they take on redesigning the best it can be, I'm willing to wait.

I've been waiting since the Skeith revamp, I can wait 2 more days....

*steals the Green Kougra from Rune*

Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:01 am

I'm really, really hoping it'll be great, because the chances of a re-re-revamp aren't great. *crosses fingers*

Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:50 am

It's was so close to perfection to start with in the first place. It was one of the all time most popular pets. Then they do a big makeover. I don't get it.

Thu Aug 19, 2004 5:31 am

neobuks wrote:It's was so close to perfection to start with in the first place. It was one of the all time most popular pets. Then they do a big makeover. I don't get it.

Yes, because perfection is always flat and possessing the personality of wet cardboard...

Personally, I'm with Rune and everyone else. If I can't have Kougra 4 for the revamp, then I want it to look like the one from the TCG.

Not that it really matters to me anyway, since I don't actually have a Kougra...

Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:31 am

Well, Seeing as I own 4 kougras, I bloody well hope its a good revamp!

I doubt that I'll change my pets even if I don't like the revamp. It'll grow on my probably or, I'll never look at them. MWAHHAH. :D

Hehe.. Any of the TCG cards that had kougras on them, would be good enough for me. ^^;

But that green one is so damn cute.

Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:32 am

I hope they make it look like the TCG one, too. I have a kougra and I think that would fit her well. They did say they were editing the face, so maybe they'll edit it to look like that? =)

Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:44 pm

Eh, I'm with Neobuks on this one... I'm one of the few who kinda likes the Kougra as it is.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 10:58 pm

jxpop wrote:Eh, I'm with Neobuks on this one... I'm one of the few who kinda likes the Kougra as it is.

I like it too, except for the fact that it's head looks a bit odd, it doesn't have a neck, it looks stoned in some poses(is that a bad thing?), it...

...maybe I don't like it afterall...

Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:41 pm


Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:46 pm

Hmm, let's see. *points* Flat, flat, William Hung, flat.
To be honest I too liked the old Kougra but its flatness along with its lower body shape are hideously out of propartion, IMHO.

Let's hope this revamp doesn't turn out awry.*crosses fingers*

Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:56 am

Pero wrote:Hmm, let's see. *points* Flat, flat, William Hung, flat.

That was funny :P

And those Kougras are very ugly neobuks and it's not like Neopets are changing the Kougra without any consent from the users. They made the poll and they're giving the people what they want.

Sat Aug 21, 2004 3:01 am

I hope they release it this week, they haven't been paying attention latley...
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