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Nice person or scam? Help?

Sun Aug 15, 2004 7:54 am

A while back, some person offered to be my Neofriend... I didn't accept because after a few neomails she was asking for some free food. She said she found my screen name at the auction.

Well, a while passes, and she asks if she should take me off her list. We make some friendly banter and I ask her politely to, telling her that I'd rather only be Neofriends with people I know in person. She tells me she understands, and she sends me "Three Red Roses." She seems uber cool... in fact, I'm kinda wanting to be her Neofriend after this sign of trust. Am I being paranoid?

Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:01 am

I had pretty much the same experience with someone last year. Shortly after I accepted this player as my Neofriend, she started asking me for free food. She seemed sweet in many ways, but I deleted her on my Neofriend page because I felt weird about it. o_O

Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:43 am

She could be a really nice person. ;)
And if she starts being annoying and asking for free stuff, delete her from your neofriend list and/or block her.

Go for it :P

Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:26 am

You're taking a risk, though. I say don't risk it, ask for their asl.

Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:29 am

you could tell her that both of you can keep in contact without been on each other's neofriend list. for example, i know the sn of some of the PPT members so if i want to neomail them to chat, i can always do so easily. i think it is safer to not keep your friends on a neofriend list because in any case where your neofriend or your account got "hacked", the "hacker" wouldn't be able to make use of the neofriend list to scam others

Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:35 am

Chaud wrote:You're taking a risk, though. I say don't risk it, ask for their asl.

I wouldn't do that... I know for a fact if someone asks me for my "ASL", I get wierd vibes immediately... even a 40 year old man could be a scammer.

Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:15 pm

That's a toughie...the person does seem nice. But, she's also already asked you for food, what's next? I keep my mail/items to n/f only, have requests and all invites blocked.

No, I'm not really a meanie, I've had the same experience. Someone seems so nice, you neomail for awhile, then the begging slowly starts and escalates.

Remove from your list, block and return the Roses. That's what I'd do.

Oh, don't ask for asl...I agree with Johnny, I find it creepy and it's no one's business. Plus, it doesn't mean anything - people will and can lie and even if they're telling the truth, that doesn't mean they're not creepy or beggers or whatever...
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