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Species differences?

Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:41 pm

I've decided that I'd like to start training a pet from scratch (without the lab ray), and I was just wondering how much a pet's species matters in the BD besides affecting what weapons they can use.

The pets I have are a draik(lvl 7), kougra(lvl 4), and a poogle(lvl 5). The poogle has a bit more hp because of a few misguided faerie quests, but otherwise their stats are very comparable. Does it really matter which one I choose?

Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:04 pm

There's also species resistances/weaknesses and species abilities as well. =)

Between the three pets, the Poogle and Draik both get a 10% resist to fire and earth (none for Kougra) and both can get a six icon species ability attack when leveled up high enough. Pretty much a toss up between the two unless you want to take the icon types of the species ability into consideration (Draik -- Fire, Dark / Poogle -- Air, Light) and the level needed to get the full use of the attacks.

Draik :

Poogle: ... cie=poogle

There are probably some better species out there, but it would really depend what you need at the moment. In other words, someone who meets a bunch of Ghostkerswords may want to consider a Pteri (40% air resist) while someone who fights against fire icons would consider a Scorchio (30% fire resist).

Take species weapons into consideration. That's why many people use Kacheeks or Elephantes (good healing, cheap attack items).

Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:05 pm

i heard that chomby has the best all-round defence and ixi takes 30% less from earth based damage. hope that helps

Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:03 pm

I'm training my halloween Lupe cause I don't want his colour changed at the training school.

Yes, certain species have better resistances to icon types.

Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:22 pm

Thanks a lot for the input... those links really helped. ^_^

I'm going to start training the poogle for now, and if I get extremely hardcore about battling in the future she can always be morphed. :)
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