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Daily Faerie Quests!

Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:41 pm

So, running my dailies this morning, I discovered that the daily faerie quests are back!

Faerie Quest Page

Also, here's a page with a list of quest items: Quest Items. Normally, I'd stock up on Fire and Earth quest items, since they're the shortest lists, but I'm not bothering with fire this time, since I don't need strength on my battle pet anymore.

Good luck, everyone!

Day 1 item: Malicious Dark Faeries Background
Day 1 Quest: Earth - got movement (which is what I need for my battle pet to even things up, woot)

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:21 pm

Arrrgh. I'm at the point where item training will be cheaper than codestone training as soon as I bump to the next level (for everything but level and HP), so I'm cranking my HP to 3x level before jumping into the higher codestone bracket. So I've been turning down faerie quests and not zapping. You can get the prize without accepting a quest, but I guess I'll get the quests, give any HP-only quests to my battle pet, and maybe train one of the others with the cheaper other-stat quests (and turn down anything too expensive). Here's hoping for a fountain faerie and lots of dark faerie quests.

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:42 pm

LOL...I just checked as well and was a little surprised and confused. I am glad it just started, as I am not too sure if I checked yesterday. I feel your pain Siniri!

Good luck everyone.

Day 1
Item: Candy Fyora Wings
Quest: Dark Faerie (+2 HP)

Day 2
Item: Strawberry Lemon Jar Cake
Quest: Fire Faerie (+2 Str)

Day 3
Item: Hairpin of the Deep
Quest: Water Faerie (+2 Def)

Day 4
Item: Strawberry Crepe
Quest: Dark Faerie (+2 HP)
Bonus Crafting Quest. Which I declined.

Day 5
Item: Frozen Foods with Taelia
Quest: Dark Faerie (+2 HP)

Day 6
Item: Fyora Lollyswirl
Quest: Air Faerie (+2 Mov)

Day 7
Item: Grey Cupcake
Quest: Earth Faerie (+2 Str)

Day 8
Item: Wooden Wings
Quest: Water Faerie (+2 Def)

Day 9
Item: Siyana Stamp
Quest: Dark Faerie (+2 HP)

Day 10
Item: Journey to the Skies
Quest: Water Faerie (+2 Def)

Day 11
Item: Faerie Tracing Book
Quest: Air Faerie (+2 Mov)
Bonus Crafting Quest. Which I declined.

Day 12
Item: Shell Faerie Wings
Quest: Water Faerie (+2 Def)

Day 13
Item: Toffee Chocolate Aisha Sundae
Quest: Earth Faerie (+2 Def)

Day 14
Item: Illusen Classic Combo
Quest: Light Faerie (+1 Lvl)

Day 15
Item: Watermelon Shaved Ice
Quest: Dark Faerie (+2 HP)

Day 16
Item: Cloud Gnorbu Plushie
Quest: Light Faerie (+1 Lvl)

Day 17
Item: Cloud JubJub Plushie
Bonus Item: Flowing Air Faerie Skirt
Quest: Air Faerie (+2 Mov)


Have the Shop Wiz open in a different Tab before accepting quest,
and you will be able to search for item yourself.

If you don't want a NC Quest, change your language to Chinese.

Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies are only 50 nc, which is half price.
This means you can get 2 quests per day for a week!! A great boost to training.

I am definitely buying 4 with my 200 nc.
Last edited by Daze on Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:31 am, edited 16 times in total.

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:43 pm

Well, I got a Faerie Kougra Ice Lolly and an Air Faerie Quest. 4.25k, so I went ahead and gave it to Peadar. I apparently never restocked on quest items after the last Faerie Festival, because the prices took a while to drop (due to RQRR boon and FQFC). Ah, well. I have a feeling I'm going to be turning down a fair few. I'm certainly not going to try to buy items now.

Day 1: Air Faerie, 4250 NP, Faerie Kougra Ice Lolly
Day 2: Light, 1650 NP, Strawberry Lemon Jar Cake (TNT, can I have the recipe, please?)

I wish I had joined a refresh-quest-giving faction. *sigh*

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:44 am

Yay! Daily Faerie Quests!

Guess who forgot yesterday to open a new window with the shop wiz before I accepted an Air Faerie quest? Me, that's who. Grrarl. Ironic that I needed a Grrarl Pumice. 12k! Wow. 12k for a mere speed increase.

Today was much better. Space Faerie, only needed a Cheops Cupcake for only 1.4k :)
Space Faerie wrote:MyPet's level has increased -- a lot!

Four levels to be exact! YAY

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:57 pm

Day 3: Dark Faerie, 20 NP, Malicious Dark Faeries Background
Pretty perfect day -- nice bonus, second best possible faerie for me right now (the only one better would be Fountain Faerie). And only 10 NP per HP, when I should be paying two reds? Yes, please!

Day 4: Light Faerie, 1200 NP, Nostalgic Faerieland Archway, and a Delina bonus quest, which I accepted just to be able to reject it (I think there might have been an 'x' that I overlooked on the pop-up).

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:14 pm

Prize: Cloud Gnobru Plushie

Quest: Water Faerie

Don't mind me - Just trying to reach the number of "required" posts so I can use the PM feature -.-

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:17 pm

Welcome, Mark!

Day 5: Journey to the Skies, Air, 2295 NP

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:10 pm

Welcome, Puma!

Dark Faerie, Flying Lenny Mobile, 1,295NP. 2 HP health increase :)

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:13 pm

Welcome, MarkPuma!

I've been...otherwise occupied...for most of the last few days. :lol: I've managed to get on and collect bank interest (yay, boon!) and grab my daily quest, and that's about it. I'm figuring I'll probably miss at least one day somewhere along the way, so I'm not counting on getting the bonus item.
If I'm remembering correctly, I've had:
Day 2: Light
Day 3: Faerie Queen
Day 4: Dark clue what the items were anymore, heh.

Day 5 (today): Space Faerie - would've been great....if the item she asked for wasn't 700k, so I had to turn it down.

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:08 pm

Day 6: Faerie Table Settings, Water, 2200 NP

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Wed Feb 26, 2014 2:17 pm

Professor Chesterpot, Light Faerie, 1650NP, level has increase

Also got a Delina quest which I did not accept.

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:50 pm

Dark Faerie quest today:

Happy Chia Mask


Antique Four Poster Bed

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:16 am

Water Faerie quest today, tally ho.

Re: Daily Faerie Quests!

Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:46 pm

Day 7: Maelstra The Dark Faerie, Dark Faerie, 2800

That's 4 HP from the Festival for Grainne. Only another 373 to go before I can start zapping her again...

Day 8: Winged Jhudora Petit Four, Air (again...), 1750
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