For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:44 pm
I was just looking at the list of what's coming soon to neopia, and I noticed neoschools was dropped.. maybe this happened a long time ago, but I only saw it now. It got me to wondering, when was the last time an actual new feature was released on Neopets? It seems like everything 'new' that is released lately is just more of the same: new pets and new items, new games, new collections like TCG cards, stamps, and coins. Petpetpets are just a derivative of petpets. New worlds are released, like kreludor, kiko lake, roo island.. but no real new features. The most recent things I can think of are the adventure generator and the revamped neoboards with collectable avatars. Is there something wrong thats preventing them from adding more dimensions to the gameplay on Neopets? I was really hoping neoschools would fill that void but it's gone now and judging from the other items on the list there's nothing much coming. Also I wonder why they rarely enhance older features. Neohomes could sure use an update and so could the battledome. Will they ever find a use for the movement and intelligence stats? Finish adding functionality to the faerie abilities? argh.
Alright I guess I'm done ranting now!
Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:48 pm
You're kinda contradictory...
If the Bdome were updated a bit, you wouldn't be calling it a new feature... same with neohomes...
Really though, they ARE adding new dimensions to gameplay... and you listed them...
It's not like Neoschools are gonna be something you spend all your time doing, they won't be a "way of life" like restocking and gaming are...
Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:30 pm
The latest thing that was added from the coming soon to Neopia was the TCG and the Return to Meridell Plot
Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:05 pm
Shadow of Life wrote:The latest thing that was added from the coming soon to Neopia was the TCG and the Return to Meridell Plot
Those aren't really long lasting features of the game like Neoschools would supposedly be *shrug*
Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:45 pm
I too feel that they've stalled in the production of new features, they only seem to be working on expanding what is already there. That isn't a bad thing, of course, but gameplay could be so greatly be improved by adding completely new features every now and then (neoschools would have been perfect) to increase interactivity and maintain player's interest in the game. After all, the main reason people leave is because they get bored with whatever is currently there, so more features = less chance of losing interest. It would benefit all.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:18 pm
I am really hoping that this fall, prices on the school items will skyrocket again, because I have been hoarding "unusual" school items.
I had also heard from someone who subscribes to the neopets mag that it said something about neoschools...
Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:29 pm
I don't even see what Neoschools is gonna be like. Is it going to help you in the Battledome? We've already got two schools for that. Is it going to raise your pets intelligence? Well, that's pointless and books already do that. Unless intelligence will actually do something, but it'll probably just give you higher grades in Neoschool, which will end up just being a status thing. Personally I don't see the point.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:41 pm
Mocha_san - the last Neomag said that in the upcoming one there would be a sneak peek behind the scenes look at Neoschools. I sure hope they're not lying. I want to see what they been doing this whole time.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:59 pm
In my opinion, one of the newer features that fits as described in the first post here is the idea of user maps for the games... It's really a good idea and gives you something too play around with. HatPC and EfMC are both nice looking games...(i'm not as wowed by TM-G)
Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:39 pm
Snivellus wrote:Mocha_san - the last Neomag said that in the upcoming one there would be a sneak peek behind the scenes look at Neoschools. I sure hope they're not lying. I want to see what they been doing this whole time.

I can picture it now... "We are almost one eighth done!"
Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:36 pm
i would say until they solve all the existing problems with is better to not introduce new game mechanics.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:06 pm
Actually, I'd like to see them work on older features. Like neohomes. Where are the stairs and windows? You have the option to add carpet or wallpaper, but it won't actually show up. At the least they could redraw some of the neohome stuff, like the rooms. Rooms made of certain materials look really awful.
Of course, I'm just whining because I'm working on my neohome right now.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:10 pm
Moogum wrote:I don't even see what Neoschools is gonna be like. Is it going to help you in the Battledome? We've already got two schools for that. Is it going to raise your pets intelligence? Well, that's pointless and books already do that. Unless intelligence will actually do something, but it'll probably just give you higher grades in Neoschool, which will end up just being a status thing. Personally I don't see the point.
Intelligence having something to do with it is a good idea... I hope that they really do have a preview in the next mag, and that some nice person will post it.
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