For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:30 am
I just dumped a bunch of stuff in my SDB, not expensive stuff thankfully, about 20 items in all some of which I expected would be in my SDB but one which I knew definately wasn't was my Mist Kougra Stamp which I'd bought by accident because I didn't realise I already had it in my album.
Anyway, to get to the point, I went to check how much closer it put me to pack-rat avatar, it had said 288 before, and when I checked still 288. So what do I do, I type in "Mist Kougra Stamp" and I get the "You can't find 'mist kougra stamp' in your Safety Deposit Box" error. Seems like Neo hath eaten my items. -.-;
The items I put in were (yay for work offline):
Stone Arm Shield - can't find error.
Evil Snowball - can't find error.
Wet Snowball - already some in there.
Sandals - can't find error.
Lime Jelly - already some in there.
Neoflakes Cake - Can't find error.
Pumpkin Pie - already some in there.
Peanut Butter Spiders - can't find error.
Sun Dried Techo Claw - already some in there.
Volcanic Rock - already some in there.
Mist Kougra Stamp - can't find error.
Von Kougra Plushie - can't find error.
Oh, and I put them in using the quick stock method and no I didn't send them to the wrong place because I checked when I was working offline. =P
Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:38 pm
Arrrrrr Pesky Glitchy Neopets!
I feel sorry for you, I hope you get your items back, buit thanks for warning us, I won'T put anything in my SDB.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:33 pm
I put a Secret Laboratory Map peice in mine about an hour ago and it's there, but I didn't use quick stock so I think you should not use that for the moment.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:54 pm
I don't think this is necessarily an SDB issue.
It's quickstock - People have been having problems with it since the old version, and there are still some issues related to using it with a large number of items. I prefer to use the standard method of putting stuff into my SDB if it has any value at all. Same with shop.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:00 pm
Hmm... I read this a bit ago, before I bought several cards. Decided not to use my beloved quick stock to add them to my SDB. Before I added them, I wrote down how many items I had in my SDB, and then checked again after adding them. Same number of items, but the items I had just added were there... so what disappeared?
Hopefully that made sense... and by the way, Hello!
Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:07 pm
Trudeau you didn't have any duplicates, did you? If not, maybe part of this "glitch" with the sdb is it's for some reason not counting new things added to it. As long as everything is in there, I guess I wouldn't worry?
I haven't touched mine, either to take things out or put things in since the sdb all went down. I'm hearing too many things are going wrong after they came back up. Is a pain, I'm buying omelettes even, but if I get anything, I'm just putting them in my shop for now.
I've had problems using the window menu to put things in my sdb/shop before, but never using quick stock. For me that was (keyword Was) always safer.
Temiko, I'm sorry you lost things! Doesn't matter what they cost, that stinks!
Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:22 pm
Duplicates? ::feels momentarily stupid...:: Oh, well no actually, one of the things I popped in there was new for me, so it should have gone up by at least one.
That's it. Everything into the shop for me. Until
that disappears, too.
I tell you, the more I read the boards, the more paranoid I become.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:42 pm
Trudea, join the club! Actually, I'm not paranoid...I think they really are! out to get us sometimes
Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:17 pm
So, that is what happened to my 5 neggs! I went on a buying frenzy last night in a really cheap shop, had more than 50 items in my inventory, so threw 5 regular neggs into my SDB to make room. I then checked my SDB and they were there--I swear, I remember seeing them in there.
Several hours later, after I had managed to sell a lot of my inventory, I went to take the neggs out. And they weren't there. I scratched my head for a minute, but I had been buying and selling so much that I figured I must have taken them out already and forgotten that I did. Now I know that it wasn't temporary memory loss, after all.
Oh, well, better that it was a few 2500np neggs than a few sinsis swords.
Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:44 pm
This is kind of upsetting. I sat here and copy/pasted everything in my SDB into email, planning to test what disappeared. Then I thought, "yeah, but when it does's gone! So that's kinda stupid, Stupid."
So there's no way to test it. I've run out of space in my shop, and I'm not too keen on just carrying stuff around with me. Arg!
Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:21 pm
It's only an SDB problem relating to when the SDB was down. I don't think it's happening at the moment. When the SDB was down, I forgot and put in a Spicy Omelette, now it's gone. I know it was kinda my fault for letting myself put something in when I knew it wasn't working properly.
Things are ok now though. I used it today and everything is where it should be.
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