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Site Spothlight.

Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:46 am

My site is ready. I did applied two times, but didn't get chosen.
When I am sending an email to , I was wondering what I shoul dsay? Do I have to composed a big letter, or something simple will do?

Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:48 am

I believe you send in the site description (that's what I've always thought); try making it like an advertisment ranting about how good your site is! Good luck getting accepted!

Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:46 am

haha, i tried to send in mine too.. i think it's sorta good.. but not THAT good.. but it's worth a try.. i sent it in twice.. i jus it jus REALLY have to catch the eye of TNT

Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:48 pm

its beat to think in the terms of having thousands of others who wnat to win the coveted prize, Vale. What I would do is try and make your eplanation show what mkaes your site different from all the others. What gives your site that spark over all the others? Is there anything really unique about yours in comparisson? Asking yourself questions like that while writng will help you to emphasize what makes it unique. =)

Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:32 am

Im thinking about entering this one day but I have no idea on what do to it on :(.

Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:53 pm

Xil wrote:its beat to think in the terms of having thousands of others who wnat to win the coveted prize, Vale. What I would do is try and make your eplanation show what mkaes your site different from all the others. What gives your site that spark over all the others? Is there anything really unique about yours in comparisson? Asking yourself questions like that while writng will help you to emphasize what makes it unique. =)

O, Thanks for the tip, I won't forget next time I'll send mine to Tnt... And if im not accepeted... Guess who's gonna send theirs over and over again? :D

Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:14 am

All I did for my entry when I won the site spotlight was to write a description of my site, as appears down the bottom of the contest page for the winners. I entered one day and won the next, so either neo had very few entries to pick from that time round, or I wrote something right!

It was just a paragraph, kind of like you'd find on the back of a book.

Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:25 pm

What drives me crazy are the sites they do accept...
Like a recent one about the neoboard chatspeakers; and how to spell correctly...

And some of the sites are done real badly.
Images out of place, and not working, spelling and grammer mistakes, very short entries.

Its as if tnt is chosing them randomly rather then by the quality.

Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:45 am

I sent in one on my old account I was ever gonna be chosen but I wish ya luck with that!
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