For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:42 am
Hey, i was wondering if anyone knew about if more than one person writes a NT article... Me and my bro are thinking of writing one together, and if we did nad submitted it with both our names and managed to get published, would be both get a trophy? or not?
Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:50 am
You can't do this, your article needs to your own work and not both of yours. I doubt Neo would give both of you a trophy because a person could submit an article written by them and say that two people wrote it and therefor both people would get trophies even though only one person made the article...
but anyways, go ahead
Whats better than to try it out for yourself?
Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:51 am
hmmm, i might ask on oneo f the contact us forms when the site is back up again. The article really will be done by both of us...
Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:15 am
I know people often put thankyous for assistance or feedback on articles at the bottom of the articles they've submitted but I don't think I've ever seen an article that's been written by more than one person (as far as names on them go) in the Neopian Times, sorry.
Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:25 am
I believe that they'll just give it to whoever submits the article but not to both of you but hey, you never know what quirky things TNT may decide to do.
Sun Aug 01, 2004 2:42 pm
Temiko wrote:I believe that they'll just give it to whoever submits the article but not to both of you but hey, you never know what quirky things TNT may decide to do.
Yeah, TNT would have no prrof at all if one or both persons worked on the article.
Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:08 pm
It doesn't sound like something they'd do, but then again they let people get the gallery spotlight trophy on one account when the gallery is in another account, so maybe they would - I suppose your best bet is to ask, but expect to wait at least 2 weeks for a response, which may not be correct.
Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:28 pm
i've sent in a question. now to wait
Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:06 pm
Good luck. It would be nice if you could share the honour with your brother but I don't know if TNT will allow it.
Let us know what they say
Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:23 pm
R4che1, in the latest Times, there was an article by Stoneman3x AND plushielover (you can find it here ... 3&week=151 ). You could try neomailing one or both of them asking if they both got trophies for it (Both of them appear to be heavy Times writers, though.)
I actually think that you do, though. If you look at the list of their articles they have written, both of the article that was credited to both of them.
Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:25 pm
Of course this is possible.
If you send in your article via the submission form while logged into Username #1, just make sure you include in the comments section that it was also written by Username #2.
Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:26 pm
simsman24000 wrote:Of course this is possible.
If you send in your article via the submission form while logged into Username #1, just make sure you include in the comments section that it was also written by Username #2.
What he said.
And yes, you both get trophies -- Felicia or I will make sure everyone in the Times, whether they get byline credit or also-by credit, gets a trophy.
Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:25 am
thats great, thanks for telling me for sure
me and my bro can get started on our article now
Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:50 am
wh00t thats good
(i'm the bro
) thanks!
Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:38 pm
Tyd wrote:You can't do this, your article needs to your own work and not both of yours.
Not true. I recently saw an article about writer's block in the Neopian times, and it was written by two people, and as far as I know, they both recieved trophies.
Anyway, good luck in with the article- be sure to tell us if it gets in!
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