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My account Was taken (Scammed?)

Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:05 pm

I cannot get into my account. The e-mail was changed so that my pass word is not sent to my e-mail. My password no longers works. Instead I get a message to a new account I just started that says my PIN is ****. What can I do?

Re: My account Was taken (Scammed?)

Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:28 am

I don't quite understand your problem. So you think your account was stolen, and when you try to get the password sent to your email, it doesn't work because they changed the email? Does the message about the PIN get sent to your email instead of a password request email?

Re: My account Was taken (Scammed?)

Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:35 pm

the pin is sent to a different e-mail account that i used to get a different neopets account to talk about what has happened

Re: My account Was taken (Scammed?)

Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:36 am

You're going to need to contact Neopets support to get your account back. It's going to take a while so to save time, make sure you include as much information about your account as possible such as trades you have done in the past, any auctions, pets you have and whether they were created or adopted etc.

We have some guides here which may help you. -
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