For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:33 am
I;m thinking about starting a gallery. I'm thinking of a faerie gallery of the six faeries. Well anyway, does anybody know if there is already a gallery like this? if you do please tell me. thanks.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:37 am
You mean Illusen,Fyora,Taelia,etc? I dont know if there is a gallery like that or not. It is possible,but if you like the idea do it anyway!
I have a Chokato gallery and there are thousands of those. Not like I care!
Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:54 am
If you are trying it just for fun, go for it. Your feelings toward it are all that matters. If you are trying for the spotlight, tyr something more "exotic", because there have to be some galleries out there like that.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:00 am
You mean air, fire, water, earth, dark, and light right? If so, there probably already are many galleries devto them, but you can makes yours different by using a different backround, shopkeeper, or some other little thing that adds to the atmosphere of the shop.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 6:43 am
DiscordantNote wrote:You mean air, fire, water, earth, dark, and light right? If so, there probably already are many galleries devto them, but you can makes yours different by using a different backround, shopkeeper, or some other little thing that adds to the atmosphere of the shop.
That's right, just try to give it an original feel, put it in a table, and try to give it a hushed look to make it more...intimate. thats what faeries are about, right?
Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:08 am
You know, instead of the 6 elemental faeries, and if you have enough neopoints, you can have the 6 other famous faeries, Snow Faerie, Tooth Faerie, Grey Faerie, Negg Faerie, Soup Faerie and the whats-her-name the cooking pot faerie. There aren't much galleries about those people.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:41 am
It's kinda hard to create atmosphere in shops nowadays. Neopets disabled many a features to create atmosphere. If you restock, it'll be hard for people doing jobs to find your items without searching [that is, if your gallery is large]. If your devoted to the idea of a faerie gallery, i'd say go for it, but some time ago, Neo disabled bakgrounds so... atmosphere would be a hard thing to create. Style tags don't work, unless it's on a certain element.
For example:
body{[code here]}
won't work
<div style = "[code here]">stuff here</div>
will work.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:36 am
I believe jessyta has a rather extensive faerie gallery. -.0 I've started one but it hasn't gotten very far... more fond of my petpets...
Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:56 am
Temiko wrote:I believe jessyta has a rather extensive faerie gallery. -.0 I've started one but it hasn't gotten very far... more fond of my petpets...
Wow, that is an extensive gallery, very impressive defintely. I didn't even know some of those existed.
But you could make a gallery about just one faerie, like the tooth faerie, or something like that. It's a cool idea
Wed Jul 28, 2004 6:09 pm
I had never seen a gallery like that but, even if there is one, you didn't know so do it anyway, and look how many people as a plushie gallery.So don't worry about that.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:02 pm
i am starting a slugawoo gallery
Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:27 pm
gigabyte wrote:It's kinda hard to create atmosphere in shops nowadays. Neopets disabled many a features to create atmosphere. If you restock, it'll be hard for people doing jobs to find your items without searching [that is, if your gallery is large]. If your devoted to the idea of a faerie gallery, i'd say go for it, but some time ago, Neo disabled bakgrounds so... atmosphere would be a hard thing to create. Style tags don't work, unless it's on a certain element.
For example:
body{[code here]}
won't work
<div style = "[code here]">stuff here</div>
will work.
Gigabyte, backgrounds in shops are not disabled. CSS is not allowed in shops, only html. That's why the div tag works. I guess too many people were getting "creative" in their shops with CSS, and I don't mean creative in a good way.
A faerie gallery...hmmm. My best friend had started an Illusen gallery, and had quite a few items in it. I then broke her heart by directing her to neoitems for a list of all the things she didn't have. She went and searched some of the items and promptly gave the gallery up.
She now has an advent gallery (original, huh?) but it is for all the advents, and she's priced things so they go by what year and date and the background, etc. is all Illusen - she watches over the gallery.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:47 pm
weel, after searching a long time, I discovered a faerylicious world gallery. so I dropped the faery gallery and went back to the fish gallery. I'm still getting more fish items out of the safteyy deposit box, so it's not going to have that many fish items. All donations appretiated
My gallery
Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:29 pm
watericesage wrote:whats-her-name the cooking pot faerie..
That would be Jhudiah.
Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:22 pm
IMO, if you want to start a gallery, one factor you want to consider is the time span you are giving yourself to complete it. if you are maintaining the gallery for as long as you play neopets (like me, for example), choose something difficult or requiring lotsa np to stamps, faerie dolls, that you would always be motivated to get the nps for them.
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