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scrach cards

Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:14 pm

what is the best scrach cards to make money. i did desert scrach cards but i am now on the deserted fairground Scratch cards (i can dream about the Moehog Skull). what do u all think? anyone got some satistics?

Re: scrach cards

Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:17 pm

The desert scratch cards are cheaper, so I think you should get those. But the ones in the Ice Caves can be given by the Snowager. But if you want frequent scratch cards, go with the desert ones.

Re: scrach cards

Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:25 pm

The Terror Mountain scratchcards seems to be relatively profitable, although don't make it your only method of making NPs (because you'll only earn a few thousand a day from it). Moehog Skull can only be won from Pustravaganza and/or Rotting Riches scratchcard.
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