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Cocoaworks community challenge

Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:42 pm

Does anybody understand at all how this is supposed to work? I seem to have just created a team called the red eyrie pirates which will begin play on October 13th. I have no idea if other people can join this team or not.

Re: Cocoaworks community challenge

Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:17 pm

If you ask me, it could be trivia or maybe playing games. And to join, people will just need to enter "red eyrie pirates" (or whatever else) and click JOIN!

Re: Cocoaworks community challenge

Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:31 am

Xaidread wrote:If you ask me, it could be trivia or maybe playing games. And to join, people will just need to enter "red eyrie pirates" (or whatever else) and click JOIN!

i don't think this page seems to be working for me coz i entered "red eyrie pirates" and nothing popped up. then i tried to make my own team and still nothing....wut's goin on?

Re: Cocoaworks community challenge

Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:38 am

If you cannot join a team, either it is private or the spots are full.

If you ask me, it could be trivia or maybe playing games.

Nope, it is just playing Cocoa Krispies Chocolatey Milk Mine game (it is already available to play - if you want to pratise).

Cocoa Krispies Community Challenge

Welcome to the Cocoa Krispies Community Challenge! Form a team with your Neofriends or join an existing team to take part in the competition. The Community Challenge will consist of five rounds of competition in which teams try to rack up the highest scores in the Cocoa Krispies Chocolatey Milk Mine game. At the end of the five-round challenge, the winning teams will receive chocolatey prizes!

To take part in the Community Challenge, you must either form a team of your own or join an existing team. You can choose the name of your team from a drop-down menu and decide if you want it to be public or by invitation only. Each team will consist of one to five players. The more team members you have, the more benefits your team will receive. Each additional team member unlocks a power-up that can be used by the whole team. You can also change teams prior to the beginning of a round, though you will not be able to change once it has started.

Your team's score for each challenge round will be based on the daily averages of the team's members, and only your first three sent scores will count toward the team total. At the end of each round, the ten teams with the highest average will be displayed and each member will get a special reward! Once the Community Challenge has been completed, the team with the highest average will win the Grand Prize!

Now that you know what the Cocoa Krispies Community Challenge is all about, why not join a team?

Here you will find the listing of which teams you have joined for each round of the competition. You have up until the day competition begins for a round to determine which team you wish to participate with.

Here is where you can join a particular team. First choose the team name; if it is not yet taken then you will be prompted for which round it will participate in. If it already exists, is public, and is not yet full, you will have the opportunity to join. If a team is private then someone on the team will have to send you an invitation in order to join.

Re: Cocoaworks community challenge

Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:25 am

okay i was able to form a team: Jade Poogle Rogues!

let me know if u wanna join my team! i invite eveyrone lol

Re: Cocoaworks community challenge

Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:12 pm

Am I missing something? When I create a new team I'm only allowed to choose one round to participate in. So I had to create four new teams and for the fifth I joined a random person's team by accident. Why can't we use one team for all five rounds?

Re: Cocoaworks community challenge

Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:56 pm

[ fayefaye ] wrote:okay i was able to form a team: Jade Poogle Rogues!

let me know if u wanna join my team! i invite eveyrone lol

o_O o_O o_O o_O
i created a team, then my inquisitiveness got to me and clicked on another team
now i can't go back to the team that i have created coz it was invite only
....i am soooo confused o_O o_O
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