For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:49 am
Are items that have rarity 85 worth 100k? And what does rarity of 85 mean? I mean, will there be alot on the market fast or there won't be alot on the market for along time? THANX
Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:53 am
The highest rarity is 99. The lower the rarity the higher the chance it will restock in the stores. So a rarity 85 would have a semilong wait. (As a general rule.)
Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:31 am
Actually, there are higher ones. For example, Paintbrushes and things bought from the Hidden Tower. But Rarity 99s are the highest to stock in normal shops (as far as I know).
Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:19 am
But that doesn't answer my questions. Does being R85 make it really rare or just a common book? The reason I ask is because a new book came out and it is R85 and I don't want to spend 85-100k on it when it will go down to a couple thousand in a few days.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:25 am
Rarity 85 is semi common, so I think the price will drop.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 4:10 am
The price will drop. Wait a week and it'll have had time to stabilize a bit.
The rarity index is a measure of how likely the item is to restock in any given restocking session. The higher the rarity, the lower the chance of restocking (makes sense, n'est pas?).
The highest rarity in shops is R100 - the Faerie Lupe Morphing Potion, for example, is R100. Items above R100 do not ever restock - they belong to special classes of items like giveaways, paintbrushes, hidden tower items, and retired items.
Hope that helps.
Wed Jul 28, 2004 5:04 am

There's rarity 100? Wow, never knew that... learn somthing everyday I guess.
Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:36 am
Retired items are 180, and another category of items are rarity 200(can't remember which category).
What is the lowest? Is it 25?
Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:06 pm
quicksilvery1pore wrote:Retired items are 180, and another category of items are rarity 200(can't remember which category).
What is the lowest? Is it 25?
Rarity 200 items are artifacts (such as Everlasting Apple). I've never seen anything under 35 though.

Rarity 99s are usually very expensive (>100k), but there are exceptions (petpetpets).
Sun Aug 01, 2004 12:43 am
Prime wrote:But that doesn't answer my questions. Does being R85 make it really rare or just a common book? The reason I ask is because a new book came out and it is R85 and I don't want to spend 85-100k on it when it will go down to a couple thousand in a few days.
Rarity 85 is fairly common. Don't spend the 85-100K on the book because there will be a lot released eventually and the price will drop fairly quickly--and a lot more than a couple thousand nps. Anything under rarity 93 will drop in price to under 100,000--unless Jhudora or Illusen ask for it in their quests.
Best thing to do when you are unsure is look at another rarity 85 book that was released a month or so ago and see what that price is now. For instance, Collecting Buzz Plushies, is a rarity 89 book that came out a few months ago. It now sells for about 15K.
Sun Aug 01, 2004 12:51 am
Kiwi wrote:The highest rarity is 99. The lower the rarity the higher the chance it will restock in the stores. So a rarity 85 would have a semilong wait. (As a general rule.)
Actually, its the opposite. the higher the rariry, the lower the chance of it restocking. Rarity 99 are the most expensive ones.
I think the best thing to do is wait a week, rarity 85 items are usually sold for no more than 15k in shops.
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