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User lookups

Tue May 27, 2008 2:56 am

hey i have one question. the basic policies of the user lookups of neopets. what are they because everytime i make a really cool lookup, people say that music is out, or its too much. well, then what is perfect, what is in? come on! i want to know because isn't neopets supposed to be fun? well you cant have fun if your not accepted into the group, now can you?

Re: User lookups

Tue May 27, 2008 4:09 am

danielsgurl wrote:hey i have one question. the basic policies of the user lookups of neopets. what are they because everytime i make a really cool lookup, people say that music is out, or its too much. well, then what is perfect, what is in? come on! i want to know because isn't neopets supposed to be fun? well you cant have fun if your not accepted into the group, now can you?

You will not be able to please everyone. Neopets has hundreds of thousands of users, each with their own idea of what is a good user lookup.

Many people do not like music or image intensive lookups/shops because on slower computers it takes too long to load or will completely freeze the computer.

Neopets is suppose to be fun. If you are not having fun then stop trying to please other people and only do what you want to do for your lookup, shop etc. Playing on Neo is for YOUR own intertainment and enjoyment, then with time, you will find people that you click with and maybe become 'friends' - remember you a stranger (just like they are to you) and no-one is going to instantly want to know you just because you have music on your lookup.

If by "not accepted into the group," you mean Neopets as a whole, then you will be forever trying - Neo has too many users. If you are talking about a guild or chat group on the boards, then you can not force people into accepting you.

If you are after making friends, then I would suggest you find other sites, as Neopets is not really about that.

Re: User lookups

Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:19 pm

not meaning anything harsh by this but its time i say bye bye to neopets then.... to runescape! *waves*
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